Part 30

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Joey kept staring at the stars but I kept staring at his. ( his eyes😩)

"Why do you keep staring at me" he asked me

I blush and look away.
I sat up and played with the sand

"Lets make a sand castle" he said getting the bucket

"ya"I said

We spent about an hour making a sand castle. It actually turned out pretty dope.

"Lets jump in it" he said

"Okay" I said

We both counted down to 3 and jumped in the sand castle

We both laughed when we went deep in the sand
Joey got stuck so I pulled him

"Fuck it's in my eye" he said walking to the water
He went under the water and back up I did the same so the sand can get off us

"That feels better" I said getting out

"Lets go back to the hotel " he said

I nodded
We both walked to the hotel and hopped in the shower.

"I'll go first" he said

"You guys go together we can't waist time we are going to a restaurant after. Take a shower fast go now" Sophia said getting dressed.
She pushed us both in the shower

"Guess we have to take a shower with our bathing suits on" I laugh

Joey laughed and turned on the water.
We both hopped in.
"Can you pass me the shampoo" I tell him

"Sure" he said handing me the shampoo
I squeezed it on my head and gave it to him after.

I rinsed my hair out and started washing my body.
I tried washing my back but my hands didn't reach

"I'll help" joey said laughing.
I laughed .

I turned around and he washed my back. He held my waist and washed my back and shoulders

He started massaging my shoulders
"mmm Joey" I said tilting my neck

I turned around for him to stop. He laughed and looked down.

"Well I'm done" he said getting out the shower
He got out the shower and I went under the water too rinse off any extra soap

I turned off the water and hopped out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself.

"Okay so I picked this out for you" Sophia said handing me a dress. She walked in the bathroom and closed the door. She opened cabinet and took out make up, blow dryer, and a brush.

"Ok, go get dressed, I'll do your hair and make up" she smiled

"I just got out the shower" I said, she turned around
"Hurry change" she said

I took off my bathing suit and put on my dress
I sat down on the chair Sophia brought and she started blow drying my hair

"I'll do my makeup" I said taking out my mascara.

I put on some mascara, lip gloss, and some foundation. Sophia finished my hair and we walked out the bathroom

I walk over to my phone which was still charging.
"100% yass" I say

"Woah" joey said walking in

I was confused " you look amazing" he said

"Thanks" I blush looking down

"Okay love birds lets get going" Sophia said opening the door
I Sipped on my shoes and walked out.

"My baby looks so adorable" my mom said squeezing me cheek

"You guys are lucky you don't have to share a room with them" Bella said rolling her eyes

"Oh we know" Sophia said smirking

We walked to the car and joey held the door open for me. What a gentlemen

"So where are we going" I asked

"A fancy restaurant" Jen said buckling her seat belt

"Is there gonna be fancy food" Bella said smirking

"Oh wow so funny bella" joey said

I laughed at him and he smiled at me.
"Here you go" he said handing me my phone

"Crap, I knew I forgot something, thanks joey" I said

"Mhm" he said

We got to the restaurant and we already had a table reserved
Me, Sophia, and Joey got our own table
Sophia sat next to me and Joey sat across from us

"What should we get" Sophia said opening her menu

"It's so dark in here" I said

I look around looking at the blue and purple lights that filled the room. And if u looked at the roof it was blue with stars on them which reminded me of joey. I look at joey and he had a sparkle in his left eye from the light.

"I'm going to get mac and cheese" Joey said closing his menu

"Eww so basic" Sophia said

Joey said "what are you getting"

"I don't know" I said flipping the menu
"I might get some sushi" I said ( ew I hate Sushi omf)

"Me too" Sophia said closing her menu.
We told our waiter what we wanted and she told us it'll be here in 20 minutes

Sophia was talking about something and joey didn't seem to care he was on his phone. I couldn't keep my eyes off joey, he's so beautiful, his red cheeks, green eyes, soft lips. I stopped for a minute and shook my head

"And then that happened so what should I do" Sophia said turning towards me

Crap, I didn't hear a thing she said.

"Umm, you should do what you think is best" I said

She looked at me for a minute and then looked away. Joey laughed because he knew I wasn't paying attention. I smiled at him and blushed

NEW CHAPTER AYE LOL LEAVE A LIKE/ VOTE OK THANKS :))) there's also prob so many errors I'll correct those later

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