Part 47

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I turned off my phone and couldn't get my mid off it.

Who's this new girl?
Why am I so jealous. Fuck

"What's wrong" Sophia asked

"Nothing" I say trying to avoid contact

"Can't believe we're only here for like 5 more days" Sophia frowned

"I know right, I love it here" I tell her

"Starbuckksss" she said as we passed it

She looked at me and frowned

"Fine" I say pushing the cart to Starbucks

"Thank you" she smiled

We got 2 pink drinks (pinkity drinkty James Charles)

"Moms here" Sophia said looking at her phone
Sophia got back in the cart and we went outside and saw Sophia's mom.

"Really don't want to carry these" she said looking at the cart full of bags

I laughed and grabbed my bag and helped her out too.
I opened the car door for her and smirked and walked in

"You guys got a lot of stuff" Jen said turning around looking at us.

She smiled at me "what you get"

"Mom, she bought like  million dollar worth of stuff for joey" Sophia said closing the door

"What?" Jen said looking at me
"What did you get him" she said

"I got him like 4 stuff" I say kicking Sophia's leg

"Don't spend so much on Joey, his room is exploding with designer stuff" she laughed

She started the car and we went to the hotel

"What do you girls want to do" she said

Me and Sophia looked at each other and thought for a second

"Beach?" Sophia said

I moved my head side to side

"I heard Bryce is throwing a party wanna go?" I asked her

"Duh" she said

"Who's Bryce" Jen said

"A friend from tour" I smiled

We got to the hotel and called someone to hold our bags

"I feel like those rich white girls you see in movies" Sophia whispered

"I know right" I laughed at her

We got to our hotel and flopped on the bed
"I love this bed so much, too bad I'm leaving it"I said admiring the bed

"I'll leave you love birds alone" Sophia laughed getting up

"So what are you gonna do with the gifts" she asked

"Give it to them duh" I said sitting up

Sophia walked over to the bags and brought them on the bed

"When are you gonna give joeys" she said

"When we go back home, or maybe the last day we are here" I smile

"Oh okay" she said

Knock knock

"It's joey open the door" joey said knocking on the door

Me and Sophia looked at each other and grabbed all the bags and hid it under the bed

I ran to the door and turned the knob

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now