Part 51

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We got in the plane and I sat next to Sophia.
The plane ride was only 2 hours so I fell asleep on Sophia's shoulder

"Wake up" Sophia said shaking my shoulder

I got up and look out the window and we landed

"WERE HERE" I yell

"Shhhh" everyone yelled

"Sorry" I said

I was so excited to see all my friends. We waited for everyone to get off the plane first.

"Lets go" I say looking at the last person to leave

My mom called and Uber and we all decided to go to my house

I ran to my home door and kissed the ground
"Ew Sasha" Sarah said

"I just missed this place so much" I scream

My mom opened the door

"WAIT" I yell

"What" they all said

"I need to go see my best friend I'll come back later" I freak

I left and ran to 5223 avenue st. Joey came alone with me
I got to his house and knocked on the door twice


I looked at joey
"Maybe he's not home" joey said

I heard the door knob turn. My face turned red and my heart was beating so fast

"Sasha?" He said

"ANTHONY" I screamed

I ran to him and gave him a hug which made up both fall to the ground

"I fucking missed you" I say squeezing him

He tightened the hug and I wrapped my legs around his torso

"I missed you more" he smiled

I didn't want to let go

"Come on Sasha" he said

"No" I whine "I haven't seen you in a month"

"True but I need to show you something" he said

I let him go and he picked me up off the ground .
I smiled and squeezed his cheeks

"Come here" he said taking me to the backyard

He opened the door and I saw Laila, Chloe, and Bella

I screamed and they turned around and screamed too. We all ran to each other and gave each hugs

"I fucking missed you" laila said tightening the hug

"Laila I can't breathe" I laugh
She let go and hugged my gently

"we need to tell you so much" Chloe said pulling me to the table outside

"I'm so excited" I squeal

"Okay soo, where do I start" she said looking at Bella

"Okay I'll start" Bella said

"Then me" laila said

"Okay, so ms.nomina got fired or quit I don't know, but when you left um" she paused

"What" I laugh

They all looked at me worried
"We'll tell you later but how was Hawaii" Chloe said

"It was amazing, I met someone" I smirk

"WHO" they all freak

"His name is geo" I blush

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now