Part 3

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It was Laila . Laila is kinda like the schools slut . Every guy wants to get with her and she does something to make them . But she's genuinely very sweet and I love her so much

"Omg Sasha are you okay " she said kneeing the ground .

"Yah I'm fine" I said trying to get up

"Why the hell did they do that to you , joey already punched you at lunch today " she said getting up looking worried

"I don't know , I thought me an joey were friends " I said

"What a douche , I'll handle them , wanna come inside to get some food" she asked

"Ya sure " I said

I went to Laila's house and had so much fun

Charles P.O.V
It was after school and I saw Sasha . I run up to her and give her a hug , Sasha is so sweet and has a fat ass , she also smells like mangos
I decided to walk over to joeys to ask him why he punched Sasha

Knock knock
"Hey bud what up " mark said after he opened the door

"Ayee mark how you doing" I said giving him a fist bump.

"Ahh good , so what brings you here " mark said

"I'm here to see joey " I said

"Oh ya , he's in the living room " mark said
I walked into the living room and I see Joey on his phone

"Yo dude , why did you punch Sasha today" I asked

"Charles , you wouldn't believe what she was saying about you " joey said

" what do you mean" I asked

"She got sent out of class and she told me that she hates you , and that your ugly , and that your smile is hideous and that you stop trying . Oh ya and that ur the biggest faggot " joey said looking at me

" what?! Are you serious , I thought she liked me " I asked

" no she was just lying to you just to get your attention , she hates ur guts " joey said

I got really mad that Sasha said that about me especially because I'm getting feeling for her I got up and left the house

Sasha P.O.V
After Laila's house I decided to walk back home
"Ahaha bye Laila " I said hugging her

"Bye Sasha " she said making a weird face at me and then closing the door . I was walking until I saw Charles

"Hey Charles " I said excitedly .

He just ignored me . I look over to see joey flicking me off . Joey must of told him something . Something that now Charles hates me .

"Charles wait up " I said

Charles got into his Uber and left . I look over to see joey laughing at me . I just ignored him and walked home . I went upstairs to my room and took out my phone to text Charles

Sasha : hey Charles are you okay you seemed down ?
Read 9:45 pm

I scoff because he just left me on read I was really upset a few minutes later I got a text from my friends

Chloe: So what are we going to do about this party ?

Bella: let's do it at my place it's pretty big

Laila: okay I'll bring the food , my dad owns a pizza shop so ...

Carlee : yaya okay but when ?

Chloe: let's do it this Saturday

Sasha: I can do Saturday , but today's Wednesday day we only have 4 days left to tell everyone

Chloe: when word goes out that there's a party everyone will come . We just need to tell everyone to tell everyone else 😊

Sasha: Kk

I turn off my phone and went to the bathroom , took a shower , and put on my pjs and went to sleep.

Hey guys I'm very active so ayye


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