Part 36

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and smoke

I held my nose and opened all the windows there possibly was.

I walked into the kitchen and gio was cooking bacon and eggs

"Oh what a man" I laughed

"All for you" he winked at me

"Really" I said

"Yeah" he said handing me the plate

"Oh my god gio, thank you" I said hugging him.
I sat down and started eating

"Did joey ever respond to you sc?" I asked

"Didn't check" he said "grab my phone and check" he said

I took his phone and opened his sc

"Oh my god he replied back" I said getting up and walking to gio

"What does it say" he said

"I don't I didn't open it" I said

"Open it" he rolled his eyes

I opened it and joey replied with

"It's 4am, why is she smoking and drinking?"  Joey said

Gio rolled his eyes and turned off the phone

"What happened you never told me" he said

"You can't tell anyone" I warn him

"I wont" he said sitting next to me

"I pinky promise" he said smiling putting out his pinky

I interlocked my pinky with his and put my lip on my thumb

"What are you doing" he said

"You have to lock it with a kiss" I said

"Uhh okay" he said

(If you guys didn't know what a pinky promise lock thingy is when u kiss the thumb lol it's this)

(If you guys didn't know what a pinky promise lock thingy is when u kiss the thumb lol it's this)

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"Okay so I heard joey banging someone yesterday" I said taking a bite out of my bacon

"Who" he asked

"Lucy" I whispered

"LUCY?" He shouted getting up

"Shut up" I say slapping him

"Lucy as in Jacobs gf?" He said

"Yes, shut up your so loud omg" I said

"What about Lucy" Jacob said walking in

"Uh, nothing " I said pulling gio by his sweater to sit down

I finished my plate and put it in the sink

Gio took out another cigarette
I took it out his hand "stop smoking" I said throwing it on the floor

"C'mon" he whined

"No gio, you smoke too much" I said

"Aw, you care about me" he said pulling me by my waist

"Yes I do care, about your health" I said getting out his grip

I walked out and started cleaning the living room. I picked up the alcohol bottles off the floor and the cigarettes

I look at hrvy and he's still sleeping. Oh lord I hope he didn't die. I threw away the trash and ran to hrvy

"Hrvy" I said shaking his shoulder
"Wake up" I said

"I'm up" he moaned

"Okay good I thought you died" I laughed

"Nope" he said

Ring ring ring


I ran into the kitchen and picked up the phone

"Hello" I said

"Hey Sasha, when are you coming back" he said

I miss hearing his voice and it's only been a few hours.

"I told you 2 weeks" I said

"I miss you" he said

I closed my eyes and layed my head against the wall

"You clearly didn't miss me last night" I said

I ended the call and Jacob and Bryce stared at me

"What happened last night" Jacob asked

"Nothing" I said

I look at gio and he is rubbing his chin smiling

I gave him a death stare and walked back to the living room and started cleaning there mess

"Why are you cleaning" Zach said waking up

"She's the sexy maid lady you see in movies, the ones that wear tight clothes and turn you on" gio said

"What the fuck" I look at gio and he's bitting his lip checking me out

I flick him off and throw out the trash again

"Mind cleaning my bedroom" he smirked

I rolled my eyes and sat on the coach
"Stop" I told him which made me smile

He laughed and sat next to me

"Are you excited for tour" he asked

"I don't know" I said "are you guys like famous?" I said

"Well I mean we don't consider ourself famous but we have fans" he smiled

"Oh, so there's going to be screaming girls" I said

"Yup" he smiled

"Why didn't you tell me" Jacob walked in

"Tell you what?" I said

"That Lucy cheated on me" he said

"I didn't want to hurt you" I said getting up

"You not telling me hurts more" he said walking out the door

I followed him outside
"Jacob, don't be mad" I said

"I am mad, I'm very mad" he said

"Don't forget Jacob, your girlfriend cheated with Joey, the guy I have strong feelings for and we were close to dating until that happened" I said

"Your right" he looked down

"Yea" I look away

"Why would they do that" he said sitting down on the door stairs, I sat next to him

I started tearing up " it's hurt when they cheat" I said wiping a tear

"I'm just, why would she do that, we had were in love with each other" he said

"I heard them" I said looking down

"What do you mean" he said

"I heard them having sex" I said holding in my tears

Jacob looked down and stared crying
"I hate being cheated on, it makes me feel so insecure, makes me feel like the person she did it with is better than me" he cried

I hugged him and he cried on my shoulder

"It's okay, we'll get through it" I said petting his back

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