Part 50

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I woke up with geo in my arms. I checked my phone and it was 12:54pm

"Fuck" I said pushing geo off me

Geo moaned and opened his eyes

"I have to go I'm so late" I say looking around for my bra

"No it's your last day" he frowned

Fuck. My heart scattered I'm going to miss this boy so much

"I know" I pause

I looked away and found my bra on the floor
I took off my shirt and put my bra on, I clipped it and put my shirt back on

"I love you" geo said

"I love you more" I said crashing my lips onto his. He picked me up and walked me over to the door without breaking the kiss

He put me down and I put my shoes on

"I don't want to leave" I say tearing up

I ran to geo and gave him the tightest hug ever
"Bye" I smiled

"Bye" he said opening the door for me.

I walked out his house and geo closed the door. I called an Uber and waited

I was excited but sad and I had butterflies for some reason. I'm excited to go home and see all my friends again. Especially Charles, and his new mystery girl

My uber came and I hopped in the car
"Im very late, can you please not drive slow" I beg

He nodded and we took off
I got to the hotel and ran to my room. I knocked on the door and joey appeared

"Hey Sasha" he smiled

"Hi joey" I stutter

He opened the door for me to walk in and I sat on the bed

"Cmon we gotta go" Sophia said

"Where" I ask

"We're going out to the village, go get dressed" she said

I walked to my luggage
And took out a tank top, flannel, and black ripped jeans

I went to the bathroom and changed into my clothes, put on some makeup and straightened my hair

"I'm ready" I say walking out

"Wow you look amazing" Joey smiled

I blushed

"Thank you" Clare said

I turned around and saw Clare behind me.

Joey walked over to her and kissed her
"Lets go" Sophia said opening the door

"She's coming with us?" I asked Sophia

"Yes" she rolled her eyes

I looked down and tried to ignore them. We went to the parking and saw my mom and Jen, Bella and Sarah (was that the sisters name because I don't remember lol)

(Don't want to explain the car ride but they all arrived at the village)

"Okay guys, buy what ever the fuck you want, it's our last day in Hawaii so might as well make it the best" my mom said walking away

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now