PArt 22

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"Yah we broke up" I look down getting flashbacks on what happened

I started tearing up

"Hey it's going to be okay" joey said pulling me into his arms

I started crying in joeys chest
"It's alright" he said rubbing my back

"No it's not" I say

"I promise, everything is going to be okay, this is just the beginning" he said


"Promise" he said kissing my head

I closed my locker door and held joeys hand and walked to the cafeteria. It was weird because I always thought Charles was the one.

"I'll meet up with you I have to go" he said running back to his locker

I walked inside the cafeteria with laila and we looked at what they have

"Eww hot dogs" laila cringed

"Let's go, they never have anything good" I say

We were walking to our table and someone yelled my name


I turn around and see joey running towards me. He hugged me

" I love you so much" he said


I turn around and see Charles holding his fist

"I fucking love you Sasha, I fucking made you happy while he was hurting you, while he was out making rumors about you, while he was fucking about to rap-" Charles shook his head and continued
"I was always by ur side, you fucking made me fall for you, you never actually loved me, you made me go through hell Sasha, I hated watching you and joey I hated it" he said

I stood in shock looking at Charles
"Charles" I said

"Fuck you" he said and walked away

Things just got extremely awkward
I turn to joey and see him kissing his lips . He took off his backpack and ran to Charles and pushed him to the ground

•••••9 hours later••••••
I got home and threw my backpack on the floor

Knock knock

"That was fast" I walk back to the door and open it

"Hey" it was Joey

"Hey" I smile widely

He walked right in and pushed me against the wall and kissed me. He picked me up and walked me to the coach

"I love you so much" I Said in between each kiss

He layed me on the coach and played with my hair
"I promise I will never hurt you again, I'm so sorry for everything I've even done to you" he said kissing my temple

I turn to him and play with his shirt
"Why did you ever do that to me"

"Do what?" He asked

"Why did you ever bully" I sigh

"Let's not talk about it " he said

"Why, you never told me" I say sitting up

"Not now Sasha, now come cuddle with me" he said

"No, tell me joey, please I want to know, why you went out and made rumors about me, why you forced your friends to hate me, why you had sex with me and acted like nothing happened, why you embarrassed me in front the whole school" I cried

"Don't cry" he said wiping my tears

I started getting flashbacks of all the bad things joey did to me. I'm so stupid for forgiving him so quickly. Charles actually liked me and was always there for me. Just because I felt a spark with joey might not mean anything it was probably a mistake

"Get out" I cry

"What" joey said

"Just get out" I raise my voice

Joey got up from the coach and opened the door. He looked at me and walked out

Knock knock

"I said leave joey" I yell

"It's not joey"

I get up from the coach and walk to the door
It was Charles

"What's wro-" I cut him off by kissing him

"Why did I ever leave you" I said hugging him tightly

"I'm so sorry" I cry even more

"It's fine" he whispered
I know he was lying .

I let go of the hug and held his hand and pulled him inside

"So what's up" I say

"Why are you crying" he looked at me worried

"It's nothing" I look down

I think I know who I'm going to put her with

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now