Part 21

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Charles pushed me against the wall and I hit my head against it really hard

"Charles" I say laying back on the floor

"Why" he said pulling me off the ground

"I'm sorry" I say looking at his eyes

He grabbed my wrist and squeezed them

"I'm sorry" I say slowly sobbing

"No your not" he said pushing me again

"Stop doing this Charles, I'm sorry" I say getting up off the ground

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to me

"Look at me" I say trying to move his head towards me

"Why do you do this to me" he said crying

"Charles" I say crying

"Why, just tell me" he said getting out my grip

He went and sat on the bed
"I stopped him before it got worse" I say sitting next to him

"What do you mean by worse, what else were you guys going to do" he said looking at me

"I'm sorry char" I put my head on his shoulder

"I hate you" he said

I look at him, I couldn't believe those words came out his mouth

"I hate how you do this, you play with me too much" he said putting his hand on my thigh
"Do you even love me"

I looked at him and kissed him.

There wasn't any spark something was missing
He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him.

The kiss perfectly in sync he held me waist and took off my shirt

"No Charles" I say stopping him

Charles scoffed and pushed me off the bed

"Stop pushing me" I commanded

"Shut up" he said grabbing my wrist pulling me

He pushed me to the wall and came closer to me

"I love you but I hate you, I can't love you, your not the one for me, you have hurt me way to fucking much" he said cupping my cheeks looking at my lips

"I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, Charles " I say

" I love when you say my name " he said pulling me into a hug

"I love you" I say sobbing in his chest

"No you don't" he whispers in my ear

I look up at him, his eyes filled with tears . I kissed him passionately. Perfectly in sync

"Thank you for everything you did for me, you made me a very happy person, you make me feel complete but we just aren't meant to be" I say trying to hold my tears

"I know" he said

My heart was scattered. I love Charles so much

He let me go and held my hand

"I guess we're over"

"You don't deserve me" I sigh looking down

"Look at me" he said lifting my head up by my chin

"Just know, that I will always love you, if you ever need anyone, if you ever feel lonely, come to me" he cried

"I'm so sorry" I said holding him
I let him go and walked to the door. I turn back one more time and see him looking at me.
He was so heartbroken it hurt me

I walked out his house and let out a big sigh.

Text message
Yo can I pick you up.

Yes, I'll be out in a few

I put on my shoes and walked out the door
"Hey babe" laila said opening the door for me

"Hey" I said getting in the car

"Really not feeling school today" I sigh

"Why what happened" she asked

"Me and Charles broke up" I said tucking my hair behind my ear

Laila stopped the car and looked at me
"What the fuck, why" she asked

"I think I pick-" laila interrupted me

"Um, if you say joey, I swear to god I will slit your throat" she said sarcastically

"Fine, I guess I won't say it" I laugh

"Wow, you pick joey?" She questioned

"Yes" I say confidently

"Your fucking stupid, Charles treats you like a queen, he's so sweet and perfect, joey treated you like shit and he isn't nice at all" she protested

"Joey changed tho" I say

"People don't change in 2 days" she said stopping the car

"Theirs something about Joey, I just don't know what it is" I sigh

"Yah he's your bully" she said rolling her eyes

She parked the car and we both came out and walked to class


"Why is everyone staring at me" I asked confused
I hate when people stare it makes me feel  uncomfortable

I walked a little faster and got to my locker
"Hey" a familiar voice said

I turn around and it was Joey
"I heard about you and Charles" he looked down

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now