Part 12

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I didn't bother answering anyone . Tomorrow was Monday and I was wondering how my friends are going to react to all this.

I got up and it was 7 , I did my morning routine and ate my breakfast and left the house .

My sister dropped me off at school and everyone kept staring at me . I walked into homeroom and sat where I always sit . I sit next to all my friends , Carlee , Chloe , Bella and laila.

"Did you guys hear about the party" Chloe asked

"ya I'm going , what about you guys" Bella asked

"ya" laila said

"Same" chloe said

"Same" Carlee said

I didn't hear about Charles throwing a party . I knew they were trying to make me jealous . I just ignored them .

The bell ran and it was our break time

(Just incase anyone was wondering it's first homeroom
After school
That's how there schedule is lol I know it's short )

I went to my locker to put away my books until I heard someone tap my shoulder

"Hey" Emily said

"Umm hi" I said

"Wanna come hang with us?" She asked

"Who's us" I said

" Me , Abbie , Briana , and Tyler , Liam , and Charles " Emily said

"Charles?" I asked

"Ya" she said

"Ya sure I'll be there " I said

I closed my locker and followed Emily to the table

They all welcomed me , it was kinda Awkward being with them cause I don't even know them .

I see Charles coming to sit . He sat down looked up and saw me got back up and left

"Charles c'mom" I said getting up following him

"Don't follow me " Charles said

"I want to talk to you !" I yell

Charles stopped walking and came towards me

"What , what do you want to tell me" he said

" I'm sorry Charles" I say holding his jaw

He didn't know what to say , i can tell he had a lot of emotions going on, he wanted to say something but he couldn't

" Char , I love you " I said looking into his eyes

"No you don't " he said

" Charles, I don't want to hurt you " I say

"You already did" he said and then walked away

I turn around and bumped into someone which made all my books fall

I bend down to pick up my books and see joey helping me

"Hey" he said

I Ignored him and walked to Emily's table
Joey came and sat right next to me and put his arm around me

"Can you not" I whispered so only he can hear

I lightly pushed off his arm . He started touching my back and started coming lower to my waist . I pushed his arm off and said "stop"

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now