Part 52

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All the memories started rushing in when I looked into her beautiful eyes. Her smile made my heart beat faster

"Are you okay" she asked

"Yea" I lie

She gave me a hug. I missed her hugs, the way she talked, the smell of her watermelon hair (lol I don't know)

"I missed you" she smiled

"I missed you too" I fake a smile

"I bought you so much stuff" she said looking at her phone

"I have to go" I say

I walked out the store and got in the car and drove to my house. I parked the car and went inside my house.

(Flash back)
I needed to let everything out. I went into the garage and found the box I've been trying to ignore for the rest of my life.
I took out and sat down on the table.

I took a deep breath and opened the box.
It was all the memories me and Sasha has together.

I opened the letter she gave me on my birthday, I looked through all the pictures, the day we went to the beach, movies and cuddled.

I love her so fucking much. I need to get her out my head

I heard my phone beep, Aaron was calling me I picked up the phone

Charles: hey Aaron

Aaron: hey Charles what you doing

Charles: I'm looking through the box with all my and Sasha's memories

Aaron: get her out head, she doesn't love you Charles. Move on, she's moved on with geo didn't you check mushershaderoom? Get her out of your head, forget about her.

I ended the call, I couldn't handle it. I closed the box and but it back. How am I going to get her out of my head. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer and finished it all. I need to move on I need to find someone who actually loves me.
(End of flashback)

I walked inside my room and flopped on my bed.

Ring ring

Text message
Charles, Sasha said she saw you at the gas station. Can you come now I need someone to cuddle with


I got in the car and drove to Anthony's house.
I parked the car outside his house and stood by the door. I heard them all laughing, I knocked on the door and Anthony opened the door

"Aye you guys Charles came" he said

I walked in and waved at everyone

"CHAR" Joey yelled

"Joey" I go and hug him

"I missed you pal" he said

I look over at Sasha and then at Carlee. I walked over to Carlee and sat next to her

"So glad you made it" she kissed my cheek

I smiled, she makes me so happy, I love Carlee so much

*Sasha's P.O.V*
Charles came and I'm so happy, I love him so much, he's my best friend.

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now