Part 37

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7 pm

We got at the venue and there were a lot of screaming fans.

"This is so awkward they don't even know me" i tell gio

"Sasha?" Someone said

I turned around saw Tyler.

"TYLERRR" I screamed I ran to him and hugged him

"Woah you seem very excited to me" he said taking a video

I posed for the video and gio jumped on me and we both ended falling

"Owww gio" I said

"I GOT THAT ALL VIDEO" tyler freaked

"Sorry" gio said smiling

He gave me a hand and pulled me up
"I'm scared" I tell him

"Don't be, we just they ask us questions and we answer them, then we take pictures with them and dance around" he said

"Oh okay" I said

"Okay well it's time to go up" he said giving me a hand

I held his hand and we walked on the stage

All the fans were screaming and they were extremely loud I think I almost went deaf

We sat down on the chairs they put out and I sat on the couch with gio

"Let's do a q&a" gio screamed

"Owww Gio" I cover my ear

"Sorry sash" he petted my back

"Okay I pick you" gio said pointing at a fan

"Who's the girl next to you" she asked

"Oh her" he said pointing at me he looked at me and I smiled at him and he smiled back at me and put his arm around me "this is my girl" he laughed

The fans started screaming and took photos

"Okay that was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen" tyler said

"How are you and Joey" a fan asked

I thought she was talking to me but she was actually talking to tyler. I was confused and looked at tyler

"Who's Joey Birlem" he laughed

All the fans screamed "oh"

I was confused
I turned to gio and said " what happened with Tyler and joey"

Gio looked at me and smiled "they're in a fight"

"Why" I asked

"I'll tell you later" he said squeezing my cheek

"Your annoying" I roll my eyes at him

"And you love it" he said making a weird face

"Giooo" I laugh

I interlocked my hand with his and he smiled and we touched our noses

The fans started screaming so we stopped

"DATE PLEASE" one of them yelled

"They are" Bryce smirked

The fans started screaming more
"Shut up Bryce, you wish you had her" gio told Bryce

All the fans screamed again
They scream at everything. I never knew they were this big

"Shut up guys someone has a question" zach picked on someone "yes" he said

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