Part 31

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We finished food and decided to walk around the village.
They had a little lawn and people where eating on the floor, like a picnic. Kids were playing around, people were laughing and having a good time.

"Listen, we are going to let you guys do whatever you want meet us back here in 2 hours okay?" Jen said

We all nodded our head and walked around
"Ooh samples lets go over there" Sophia said pulling my arm

We entered the shop and started taking samples of everything there was
"This is so good what is it" Sophia asked me

"It's red velvet my favorite" I smile

"Same" Joey said coming around the corner

We moved to the other side and took another sample. I think it was tequila

"Eww what was that" joey said

Me and Sophia looked at each other and laughed "Joey it says tequila" Sophia said

Joeys eyes widened "Oh my God helll no" he started laughing

Me and Sophia started laughing as well. The worker noticed that we were just here for the samples and he kicked us out

"I'm telling mom" Sophia smirked

"Stop Sophia, or I'll tell mom about what happened yesterday" joey said

Sophia stopped laughing and punched his shoulder

I wanted to ask what happened but maybe she didn't want to tell me. We went and sat by the lawn.

Sophia was talking about who knows what and joey was staring at the stars

"Why do you keep looking at the stars" I ask

"I don't know, it's just, there so beautiful" he said

Not as beautiful as you, I wanted to say but I couldn't

He looked at me and gave me the most hottest look the " I'm desperate" look. All the butterflies in my stomach where freaking out

I look down
"Were you even paying attention to me?" Sophia says

"Yes" I lie looking at joey

He smiled and looked at Sophia. Sophia rolled her eyes and got up

"Well I'm going to get a cupcake you guys wanna come?" She said

"Sure" Joey said

We both got up and walked to sprinkle cupcakes
I got red velvet and joey and Sophia got chocolate

"Hey turn around" joey said
I turn around and he took the whip cream off his cupcake and put it on my nose
"Joeyyyyy" I smile

He laughed and I took a napkin and whipped it off.
"Sorry" he said

"What was that for" I laugh

He laughed and took a bite from his cupcake

*2 hours later*

We all met up where we were suppose to
"Lets go" my mom said taking the keys out her bag
We got in the car and she drove us to the hotel.
"Tomorrow we're going on a cruise!" Jen said excitedly

"How fun" Sophia squealed

"Yah, and you guys can go in the water and swim too" she added

We got to our hotel rooms and I went into the bathroom to take off the dress I was wearing. It was so irritating. I took off my shoes and my makeup and then my dress.

I took off my dress and put it on the bathroom counter and I looked around and my clothes weren't there. I opened the door and peaked my head through and joey and Sophia weren't there. I ran out and opened my luggage and took my pjs

"Woah" joey said walking in
I blushed in embarrassment
"Sorry, it's just I forgot my pjs" I said

"It's fine" he said
I put my pjs on and jumped on the bed.
I took out my phone and felt someone staring at me. I turned around

"Sorry" joey said looking away

"What" I smile

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" He asked

"Why" I say turning off my phone

"I want to cuddle with someone" he said

Oh god cuddling with him would be so amazing. Plus he was shirtless, but get over it Sasha wake up, Charles is the one.

"Just cuddle right?" I said

"Yes" he said

I walked over to this bed and went under the sheets and turned on the tv

Sophia fell asleep and I put my head on joeys chest and he was playing with my hair

I put my arm on his stomach and ran my fingers through his abs
I look at Joey and he smiled

"I'm sorry" I said taking my hand away

"Don't worry about it" he said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear

I blush and sit on top of him
"Whatcha doing there" he said

"Just need a better angle of you" I said

"Well I do have a better angle of you" he said putting his hand on my thigh

No, I'm not going to make out with him. I got off him and walked to the bathroom.

I locked the door and Washed my face.
I stared at myself and was disappointed in what I have become
But I'm in Hawaii, and I'm here to have some fun. Forgot about worries. Tomorrow will be a good day.

I walked out and cuddled with joey and fell asleep

I promise there will be a better chapter oohhhh lol LEAVE A LIKE/ VOTE FOR JOEYS NUDES🤑🤑

Jk I don't have his nudes :)

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