Part 25

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It was Monday and I just didn't feel like going to school today but I had too.

I got up, did my morning routine and left.

I ignored everyone and went straight to class and put my head down

"What's wrong" Carlee said sitting next to me

"Nothing" I said

I check the time and we still had another 30 minutes of class

Ugh, I hate English.

I took out my phone and texted Charles

Text message
I need a cuddle buddy, meet me by my lunch  table :/

Ok baby

I turned off my phone and smiled

The bell rung and I checked the time there was still another 20 minutes of class left. Guess the bell schedule is off, but that didn't stop me. I ran out class to meet up with Charles

I sat by my table and felt someone's arms around me

I turn around and see Charles
"Hey beautiful" he smiles

"Hey" I kiss him

"What's wrong" he said

Carlee, laila, Natalia, and Chloe sat down with us

"I'll tell you later" I whispered in his ear

"Everyone go back to class, bell schedule was off, go back to class its not break" the speaker said

"Awww" we all said

We all got up and walked back to class

"Don't go" Charles said grabbing my arm

"What" I said confused
He held my hand and took me behind the building

He pushed me against the wall lightly
"What are you doing char" I smile

He smashed his lips onto mine and snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him

"Woah char calm down" I laugh

He looked so into it.
He tilted my neck and started sucking on my skin

"Char" I whisper in his ear

I closed my eyes and pushed his head so he can suck harder

"Fuck" I moan
I felt a smile on his face appear

He licked my skin and blew on it

"Oops" he smirked

I smiled and kissed him
He held my waist and picked me up

Apparently we both ended up falling and laughed to death

"Sorry" he smiled

"Its fine" i laugh

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in closer to him. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I look over him and saw Joey about to pass by us

I got up right and pulled Charles up too

"Hey" joey said walking past us

"Hey" I smiled at him as he walked away

The bell rung again and this time it was actually our break. We walked to our table and that's when I remembered I didn't do my history homework

"Crap" I freak out.
I took my backpack and took out my history book and started reading

"You gotta read 200 pages of that" Charles said

"I can help" joey said sitting next to me

"How" I look at his lip

"Its fine I can help her myself" Charles said taking the book out my hand

"Except your not taking history this semester" joey said taking the book out Charles hand

I look at chloe and then at Charles

Charles rolled his eye and put his hand on my thigh

"So the book is about blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" joey smiled

I didn't even hear a word he said. I was so lost staring at his eyes

"Hello" joey said snapping his fingers in front of me

I shook my head "ya sorry"

"So do you get the book?" Joey asked

"Yah" I lied

He laughed and looked at  my thigh
I push Charles hand off my thigh and got up and left

I can't handle them.
I ran to my locker and ran into someone

"Ouch you bitch watch it, oh hey sas" Anthony said

"Oh hey Anthony" I smile
"Sorry I didn't see you" I said walking away

"I was looking for you" he said running up to me

"Why" I said putting in the combo to my locker

"Just wanted to say sorry about yesterday if I made it awkward" he looked down

"Don't worry about it" I said closing my locker

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now