Part 7

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I took out all my clothes and spent about like 30 minutes picking an outfit , I was already late to her party but that doesn't matter . I came upon this outfit and decided on wearing this👇

I called another Uber to Come and I ran inside the Uber

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I called another Uber to Come and I ran inside the Uber . He drove really slow which made me even more late .

The Uber dropped me off and I ran inside And ran into Mark

"excuse me" I said bumping into someone

" next time you bump into me you'll be sorry" mark said

I ran outside because that where the party was happening , there was tons of people , some were dancing , some were jumping in the pool , some were even hooking up. I went towards the dj area and changed the song into something a bit more lit. Everyone was hype and was having a good time .I walked over to where all the food was and I see joey

"Hey" joey said

"I gotta go" I said as I got my pizza and started walking away

"Wait" he said as he grabbed my arm which made my pizza fall.

"What do you want" I said

He pulled me into a room , where him, mark , who Brandon were

" please don't hurt me, I don't know what I....."

I couldn't finish my sentence because joey covered my mouth with his hand.
He layed me on the bed and he took off my flannel. He got on top of me and started kissing me , when joey kissed me it felt right , there was spark, but he's my bully why am I feeling this way!

Before I even knew I was making out with him . He took off his shirt and I took off mine , he started kissing my neck and then left a hickey on my neck . Mark and Brandon joined and started kissing me too . Joey started taking off my pants . Why am I having bully's do this !

"What are you doing" I said as I pushed him off

I got up and put my shirt back on and pants .

"I'm not doing this" I said as I was pulling my pants back up .

"Get here" joey yelled pointing at me . I ran to the door and tried to get out but Brandon got there before me .

"Brandon please don't do this" I said looking at him

"Ur too hot " he pushed me on the bed .

"Stop guys please I'll do anything " I said

"You gotta have sex with us to leave" joey said

"No I'm it doing that" I said I tried getting up but mark was blocking the door .

Knock knock

That was the door , joey , mark , and Brandon all went in the closet and hid . The door opened it was Laila .

"That's where you are , I was looking everywhere for you " Laila said

"Ya I was just um taking a nap" I lied looking at the closet

"Oh okay well lets go cmon " Laila said as she gave me her hand

Thank god laila came and Saved me before I had to have sex with them . I went to my Dj booth and changed the song . I stayed there because I was scared to go back inside.

"Hey Sasha" some guy said

I turn around to see it was Charles .

"Charles, hey" I said as I got up and gave him a hug

"Are you the dj person or something" he said laughing

"I guess, I have good taste in music " I said

Charles walked over to where I was sitting and grabbed a chair and sat next to me .

"Can I pick a song?" Charles said

"Ya sure " I said

He went on my phone and picked a song , which was 4am.

I guess he likes that song .
I look over at him and see joey and Brandon coming

"Ayee hey Joey , what's up Brandon" Charles said giving them a fist bump . Joey looked at me and gave me a death stare .

I don't know why I let him do this to me , I told him I won't tell anyone , he abuses me , and cyber bullies me , but when we kissed it felt so right , maybe it was a mistake . I like charles and only Charles , I will not fall in love with my bully

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now