Part 35

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"The what tour" I asked

"Digi" he said handing me the paper

"How long is it" I asked

"Just 2 weeks" he said

"Oh, 2 weeks isn't a lot, where are we doing it" I asked

"In Hawaii no where far" he smiled

"Who else is on the tour?" I questioned

"Me, Mario, Tyler, Jackson, Zach, Jacob, and hrvy" he said

"Wha-what about Joey" I said

"He's not on the tour" he said nervously

"Then I'm not joining" I said giving him the paper

"What!? Why not, just cause joey isn't in it?" He frowned

"Yes and no, I just met you guys, I have no idea what this tour is and how it's organized" I said

"Sasha everything is organized " he said holding my hand "just come and try it out for a day, you'll love it! Everyone is fun and friendly" he begged

"Fine" I chuckled because of how funny he looked frowning

"YAYAY" he smiled and hugged me

"When does it start?" I asked

"Tomorrow at 7pm" he smiled

"Tomorrow?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion

"Yea..." he said

"I'll have to ask first" I said walking to the door

"Where you going" he said

"Hotel, I'm pretty tired, ill see you tomorrow" I smiled

"Oh, okay" he smiled back

I opened the door and walked to the hotel
"Hey" Sophia said huggin me

"Hey" I smiled

"I'm so tired" I said taking off my clothes and changing into my pjs "where's joey?" I asked

Sophia shrugged and sat on the bed

"Well im very tired so good night" I said getting under the blanket

I go to sleep and heard the a bang by the door
I wake up and check on Sophia and she was sleeping. I check the time and it was 3am.

I check on joey but he wasn't there. I was worried. I take my phone out the charger and go outside to check what happened.

I opened the door and nobody was there. I close the door and go downstairs to get a snack from the lobby

I walked past a hotel room and heard people having sex. I laughed and took a video and sent it to Sophia.

I went downstairs around the counter and took a KitKat, Popcorn, and a Sprite. I go back upstairs and from the end of the hallway I look at the hotel room of the people who were banging. There door opened and I walked a little slower to see who it was. A boy came out shirtless with pants on

I squinted my eyes to see a little clearer and it was joey.

My heart stopped and my heart was about to jump out and I started getting dizzy. I opened my Sprite and took a sip of it and tried to calm down

Joey walked back to our hotel room and the girl stayed at hers. I needed to know who it was. I stand in front of her door shaking. I knocked on the door and looked down

"Hey Sasha" she said

I look up and it was my sister?


Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now