Sasha & Joeys after life

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I woke up to my 2 kids jumping on the bed.

"Mommy daddy wake up" they begged

Me and joey woke up and looked at the kids and laughed
We pulled them in for a hug and kissed their foreheads

One was a boy and the other was a girl and I had one more baby girl on the way

2 months pregnant with baby Briana

I sat up and joey ran over to my side of the bed and helped me up

"I can get up babe" I tell him

"I know" he smiled

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I looked in the mirror and saw my two kids playing super man with the love of my life.

I heard my phone ring and I ran over to get it

"Hello" I say putting my phone to my ear

"Hey" Charles said

"Oh hey Charles" I laugh

"Are you busy today" he asked

"Umm no why" I say looking at joey putting Cameron, our little boy on the bathroom counter

"Oh well Dylan really wants to hang out with Cameron today" he said

"Oh of course Dylan can come over, you guys can too as well" I say

"Great, we'll be there" he said

I ended the phone and picked up Claudia, our baby girl and put her on the bathroom counter and started brushing her hair

"Is Charles coming over" joey asked

"Yes" I say putting Claudias hair up

Joey grabbed the comb and started combing Cameron's hair

"Is Dylan coming" Cameron asked

"Yes" I smiled

Cameron jumped from excitement
Me and joey finished the kids hair and took them off the counter. They ran to the play room and me and joey looked at each other

"I'm so happy I'm with you" he said

"I love you" I peck his lip

"Married to the love of my life" he said

I blushed "go put a shirt on" I tell him

He laughed and went into the closet. I heard the door bell and hurried over to get it

I opened it and their appeared Charles with a big smile on his face holding Dylan in his arm

"Hey Charles" I hug him

"Hey Sasha how are you" he said putting Dylan down

"I'm good" I look at Dylan

"Cameron, Dylan is here" I yell

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