Part 4

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I woke up to my phone ringing . I unlocked my phone and went on my messages

Charles: hella mad

Aaron: why ?




Charles : I'll tell you guys later not on text

Joey: aight

I woke up and went to get dressed . I straightened my hair and went downstairs to eat . I got a text from Laila

Laila: hey girl , wanna carpool ?

Sasha : ya sure I'll be out in 2 minutes

I put on my shoes and went outside to see Laila waiting outside for me .

•At school•
It was second period and the bell rang . And it was our break which is only 20 minutes  . We went to sit at out table and joey was there

"What the hell do you want" Laila said crossing her arms

" I need to talk to Sasha " joey said

"Umm sure" I said

Joey took me to the private place where no one can see us . He grabbed both my arms and started squeezing them .

"Joey , that hurts " I said trying to get him to let go " why are you doing this !" I said

" if you tell anyone ur dead ! Okay " joey said

" I won't tell anyone just tell me why your
doing this to me " I said crying

He let go of my arms and I started to run away but mark came around and threw me over his shoulder and took me back to joey .

"Mark why are you doing this , I thought were friends" I said

"Sorry not anymore" he said as he slammed me against the wall . Later Brandon came and they started surrounding me .

"Please just stop " I said crying

Brandon pushed me to the floor and they started beating me up . They all ran away after and left me there . I got up the bell rang and I couldn't go to class , my mouth was bleeding , my stomach really hurt , I had bruises all over my body and had scratches on my face . I run to the bathroom to clean up before anyone can see me . I ran to the stall and started crying . Nobody was in the bathroom so I came out the bathroom stall and started to clean my self and started to think of an excuse on why I'm like this .

I took a deep breathe and looked at myself in the mirror and told myself , that I can fight it , I won't let joey get to me. I walked out the bathroom and went to class. Ughh the class I had mark with

Marks P.O.V
I got to class and see that Sasha isn't there , I'm really upset because of what I'm doing , I'm only doing it cause joeys doing it and if I don't do it then joey won't be my friend .

Few minutes later Ms.Nomina was looking around to see who was absent . We don't learn anything it her class she just tells us to read and that's it . Seconds later Sasha came in . She looked really hurt

" Sasha Scott late to history class once again " Ms.Nomina said

"Sorry I was in the bathroom " Sasha said
She came to our table because she sits there and didn't say a word , I couldn't even turn to look at her .

"Omg Sasha are you okay " Aaron said

"Ya , why " Sasha said

"You have a scratch on your face and a really big bruise on your arm" Aaron said

I was shaking I was scared she would tell Aaron
"Oh I just fell" Sasha said

I turn to look at her . I'm really upset that she had an excuse but I'm also glad she didn't say  that it was me.

I turn to look at Charles and he gave me a Signal to take out my phone

Text message
Charles: what's wrong with Sasha

Mark: I don't know , she said she fell

Charles : oh okay

Sasha P.O.V
Aaron asked me what's wrong and I told him I fell . I told joey I wouldn't tell anyone and I didn't want to be known and the girl who gets bullied and beat up . I look at Mark and see he's on the phone texting Charles . Then I get a text I take it out to see it's from joey

Joey: you stupid af Charles will never like you , go die , you whoree , I made Charles hate you , now watch your back for lunch cause I'm coming for you again

I turned off my phone and tapped marks shoulder

"Why are you doing this " I whispered so only he can hear

"Don't touch me you shithead" mark said

I looked at him shocked he was so nice to me yesterday and said I was pretty and now he hates me . And Charles he hates me to thanks to joey ugh .

The bell rang and I didn't want to leave class because I was scared of what joey might do . I was walking out and I bumped into Charles

"Hey Charles , you okay " I asked

" Just don't talk to me " he said walking away

"Charles what's wrong you were so nice to me yesterday and now you hate me ?" I said

Charles turned around and started walking towards me

"I thought you liked me , and then I realized you where lying , you just wanted my attention!"

Charles said angrily he walked away right after

I was confused . I was walking out of the building to go to my table. Everyone was staring at me , oh god how much I hate when people stare . Some girl bumped into me

"Hey watch it " she said

"Sorry I didn't see " I said

"Omg , your slutty Sasha , can we take a photo" she said

"What" I said confused

"Oh , you didn't see the posters on the school walls , everyone is posting about you " she said smiling and then walking away

Ahh hey guys I'll be posting 3 more chapters today 🤑🤑 leave a like/ vote please !❤️


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