Part 9

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I turned to look at joey . I go up to him

"Please don't make me do this " I begged him

"You don't tell him then I'll show him the pictures or maybe even " joey said

"Maybe what" I said looking worried

"YO CHARLES COME LOOK AT THIS " joey said and then leaned in and kissed me . Before I could push him Charles left .

"What the hell joey" I said as I got up and ran after Charles

I ran out the house and see Charles walking I run up to him

"Charles wait" I say

"Don't" he said

I look at Charles , he was crying

"Charles please don't cry , I didn't know joey was going to kiss me . " I said as I stood Infront of him

"Oh really then explain this" he took out his phone and showed me the picture of me and joey making out

"I - I uhhh, it was unexpected " I stutter

"No it wasn't , you clearly let him kiss you " Charles said

I held Charles hand

"Please Charles " I said looking into his eyes

"No" he said and then left

I start walking back . I was heart broken , Charles meant everything to me .

"Hey Sasha how'd that go" joey said bitting his lip

"Shut up " I said as I went into a room and started crying

Knock knock
"Are you okay"

I get up and see it was joey .

"Joey" I said

"Sasha" he came and sat on the bed with me

"I know this isn't , like , I don't know I feel ,but I think I'm falling in love with you . " I said bitting my lip and looking at him waiting for a reaction .

He held my chin and came in for a kiss

(Warning dirty 🚨🚨🚨🚨)

I kissed him back he layed me on the bed and layed on me , he took off my shirt and I took off his , he started kissing my neck , he found my sweet spot

"Joey" I said moaning

"Don't talk" he said . Giving me a hickey

He started taking off my pants . And came back up and started kissing me , it was amazing , his soft lips , they way his lips felt on mine , I was totally in the moment , and forgot how much he hurt me , I didn't care , I let him kiss him . It felt so good how he was kissing my neck and touching my body . How my body felt on his body , was soo , perfect .

I started moaning because of how good it felt

"I love it when you moan " he whispered in my ear which gave me the chills .

I looked at him and started kissing him , he slipped in some tongue but I didn't mind .

He took off my bra and started kissing my stomach .

(End of dirty part)
"Sasha are you in here " laila said as she walked in , watching me and joey make out

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now