Part 6

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" I love you Charles " I said as I stomped my foot on the floor  "and I hate that your mad at me , one day we are friends then the other day we aren't , what is up with you , I hate that you do this " I said

Charles turned around and started walking towards me

" then why did you call me a faggot and that I'm worthless and that you only liked me for attention " Charles asked

"I never said that , don't you see what joey has been doing to me , he's lying to you !" I said as my eyes started watering

" come here " he said as he opened his arms and hugged me

"I'm sorry Charles" I said sobbing into his chest

" no I should be sorry " he stopped the hugged and lifted my chin

"Your are so beautiful" he said and then kissed
me . It was amazing , I loved it . I put my arms around his head and he put his arms around my waist .

" uhh  Sasha, lets go "  someone said

I stop the kiss to see it was Laila she was waiting for me .

" bye Charles " I said bitting my lip

"Bye Sasha " he said, then turned and left

"Omg are you guys dating !" Laila said

"I don't know " I said

"Ahhh my best friend is in love" Laila said laughing

"Hey , chill ahaha " I said punching her shoulder

"I invited our squad , parties tomorrow ahhh , I'm so exited " Laila said

"Same" I said

Minutes later I heard a knock on my door . I ran over to see who it was , it was Carlee , Chloe , and Bella . We all planned on what we are going to do for the party tomorrow . So it's going to start at 8pm and ends at whatever time . So far we got 187 people coming but it's all good because Bellas house is huge. Laila is going to do pizza , I'm going to do DJ , and Carlee is going to make sure if everything is okay , and Chloe , she's just the host I don't lol .

" guys did you know that Sasha and Charles kissed " she said bitting her lip

"Omg no way " Bella said

"R U SERIOUS" Chloe yelled

"Ya , chill" I said laughing

"Omg omg , I'm so happy for you " Carlee said

" ya I just can't stop thinking about it , my heart won't stop pounding , his lips were so soft and he's such a good kisser" I said bitting my lip and got lost in the moment of when he kissed me

" ahhhhh " they all said

"Hahaha guys , stop " I said

" I'm thinking about hooking up with mark tomorrow " Chloe said

"Ur inviting him ?"I said

"Ya , I can tell him not to come if your not okay with it " Chloe said

" no it's fine , whatever " I said

"Are you sure " Chloe asked

"Positive" I said

Is she out of her mind ??? She was there when mark was bullying me , is she really going to hook up with my bully . Wtf .

I heard a knock on the door I ran to go get it, it was joey . I opened the door he grabbed my shirt from the collar area " I told you not to tell anyone " joey said

"Joey, there here " I said

He let go and ran out .

•3 hours later •
All my friends left and I went upstairs and went to sleep . Ur probably wondering where my parents are , well my dad left me when I was 9 , my mom is in Florida . My sister is 21 and I live with her , her name is Sarah . She's always out she comes home everyday at 10pm because of work .

•next day•

Ughhh what do you want I said as I took my phone out the charger it was 8am , why are they texting it's too early and it's a Saturday ! I turned on my phone and went on text

Charles: I think I'm in love

Aaron: who man

Joey: Whoo CHARLES

Mark: whooooo

I turned off my Phone and was shaking from excitement , I think the person he's in love with is me. Because we kissed yesterday and he called me beautiful ahhh . I did my morning routine, ate breakfast, did laundry, cleaned my room and took a shower which takes an hour . I check the time and it was 12pm .

Ring !

Bella: guys come over now ! I need help

Sasha : it's 12pm your party starts at 8pm , what do you need help with ?!


Laila:^ ya


Sasha: sorry bell but I can't I gotta go to the mall to by an outfit

Laila: I can come

Chloe: ya me too

Bella: it's okay Sasha , remember dress to impress wear something to get Charles eye 😂😉



Sasha : that's exactly what I'm doing 😂

I turned off my phone and went outside to see my Uber's here , I had 300 bucks so I could buy a lot . All I could think about was me and Charles kissing . I was so lost .

"Your here" the Uber driver said

"Thank you" I said as I came out the car and ran into urban outfitters . I spent about 120 bucks there . I went to Brandy , Forever 21 , American Eagle , and Love Story . I came out the mall full of bags I spent all my money and bought so much cute stuff . I told me Uber to pick me up and drive me home .

My Uber drives me home and I went inside to pick an outfit , I check the time , it was 7:30 !! Omg I only have 30 minutes to get ready , not even 30 minutes I told her I'll be there at 7 ahh . I ran upstairs and changed fast

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now