Part 55; last chapter

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Last chapter oof, do you hearing me crying? Thank you guys for 80k reads and 105 in fan fiction ahhh
•5 years later•

I woke up at 5:35am with all my best friends surrounding me holding roses

"It's your big day beautiful" laila smiled

I got up and smiled over the excitement that today was the day.

We all got in the car and went to the hair salon to get our hair down. The lady also did my makeup and made me look extra beautiful.

We got the whole salon to our self, it was huge.
I went in the back with all my beautiful friends and put on my outfit.

"I'm so happy for you" Emily smiled

"I'm trying not to cry" I say wiping a tear

"Your going to do great Sasha" Chloe put her hand on my shoulder

I nodded and we left.

We arrived and I was standing right behind the door. All my friends already walked in. My heart rate increasing every second

"I love you" my dad whispered

"I love you too" I smile

The door opened and everyone stood up. This was actually happening, the music started playing and me and my dad walked down the isle .

And there he was, he looked so beautiful.
I reached to him and I put my hands in his. Then the preach started talking

"Welcome everyone, we are gathered here today, on this beautiful day, to join Joseph Matthew Birlem and Sasha Amber Scott in holy matrimony" he said

I looked at joey and he was about to cry. I looked into his eyes and I got lost again. He smiled and looked down.

"Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of ones self" he paused and looked at joey crying and he smiled.

I looked at joey, I was about to cry but held it in
Joey looked up at me and smiled and wiped his tears

The preacher began again "it is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhance the individuality of each of you" he said taking a breath

"Joseph, do you take Sasha to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor her and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The preach stopped and looked at joey

"Yes, I promise, I do" Joey smiled

"Sasha, do you take Joseph to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" He repeated

I smiled and nodded " Yes, I do" I said looking straight into joeys beautiful green eyes

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said.

Joey didn't even hesitate, he pulled me in and smashed his lips into mine.

That's when I knew exactly joey was the one for me. We've had a bad past, but you forget and forgive. I'm completely in love with him and feel safe with him

I fell in love with Joey Birlem my bully or should I say, Joey Birlem, the man who shaped me into who I am today.

🤧🤧can't believe this book actually just ended. Hope you guys liked it!!
Btw tell me your thoughts on this book overall or the ending.

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