Part 5

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Posters ? What posters i said looking confused .  I start walking towards the cafeteria and everyone was still staring at me .

"Sasha Sasha wait " someone said

I turn around to look at it was Chloe .

"Omg we need to leave now " she said

"What why " I said

" I need to show you something" she said

She took me into the library and we sat in the corner where no one would see us . She took out her phone and showed me a picture joey posted of me and captioned it "slutty Sasha watch out boys "

 She took out her phone and showed me a picture joey posted of me and captioned it "slutty Sasha watch out boys "

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"Omg " I said

"I told him to delete it but he said no " Chloe said

"Wait but everyone is talking about posters , what posters ?" I asked

" oh he printed the picture of you that he posted and put it up around the whole school" Chloe said nervously

"Omg that's where you guys are " said Laila

"Ya" I said

"Are you okay what's wrong with your face" Laila said

"What do you mean " I said

"You have scratches everywhere and omg what the bruise , did joey do this to you again " Laila said putting her hands on her hip .

"What are you guys talking about " Chloe said

"Yesterday joey and mark were beating her up " Laila said

"What ! , and you didn't tell me ?" Chloe said 

"It's fine , he said he won't do it again" I said

"Hell ya he's not going to do it again , I'm going
to talk to him right now " Laila said running out the door

I ran after Laila but she was running too fast .  I was running after her and she found joey and pushed him to the floor

"What the hell was that for " Joey said looking at Laila

Laila got on top of him and and started beating him up .

Everyone started gathering around and kept yelling "FIGHT , FIGHT , FIGHT"
I ran after Laila and grabbed her off joey.

"What's going on " Bella said

Everyone started quieting down

"Joey beat up Sasha yesterday and today " Laila said

"How do you know " Bella said

" look at her " she said pointing at me

"GET SOME SLUTTY SASHA" someone yelled
I turn around to see it was mark and Brandon and they threw ketchup sauce at me and started throwing water at me

"HEY WHAT THE HELL " Laila said as she started coming towards me

This was probably one of the most embarrassing days ever ! I just got water and sauce on me and the best thing it That there is a group of people staring at me laughing .

Bella turned to joey and said " what the hell is your problem man "

" I didn't do anything Laila started it " joey said
Laila got up and started walking to joey .

"This if for Sasha " she said after punching joey in the face which made his nose bleed .

The teachers were clearly not doing anything they just got up and started standing on the tables to see the fight , I started crying and Laila and Bella took me to the bathroom . We had Carlee be the door guard so no one can come inside .

"Why did he do that" Bella said

"Ugh , guys I'm so dead ! Joey told me not to tell anyone and now he's going to hurt me even more " I said taking the sauce out of my hair

"No he won't , I'll be by ur side , he won't ever hurt you again " Laila said

"Ya same here " Bella said

"SAME HERE" Carlee said all the way from the door

I laughed and I washed my hair and changed I decided to go home because I smelled like hot sauce . I told my grandma to pick me up and I got home

"Bye grandma "

"Bye darling" she said and then drove off

I went upstairs and took a shower . After I finished I put on some comfy clothes and went outside and sat by the stairs .

I check the time it was 3:20 I was waiting for the kids from school to come by because school ends at 3 but whatever . I check my phone and start going through Instagram

I saw someone posted a video of mark and Brandon throwing water and sauce at me . And captioned it " slutty Sasha" everyone started putting laughing emojis , until I came upon this comment on the video

" you guys have a serious problem what did she ever do to you , you guys are sick !"

I looked at the persons profile and his name was Anthony his account was private so I requested . I turned off my phone and I see Charles outside . I run up to him

"Charles please answer me " I yelled as he started walking away

"Stay away from me " Charles said

"I LOVE YOU CHARLES" I yelled as I was about to cry

"You what" Charles said as he stopped and turned around


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