Part 41

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I can tell joey was looking at me.

"I'm so sorry Sasha" he said getting up

I walked away and tried looking for Gio

I texted him multiple times but he wouldn't answer.
I told Sophia to tell my mom that I'm staying at a friends and won't make it tonight.

I called an uber and went by Gio's
The uber dropped me off and I walked to his door

Knock knock

I waited for about 20 minutes and no one answered the door.
I sat on the stairs in front of the door and went on my phone

Text messages
Gio is home he just isn't answering the door, there's a key under the rock that says Digi on it

I turned around and saw a rock that said Digi on it. I picked it up and saw a key. I put the key in and turned the knob and opened the door

"Gio" I say

I close the door and put the key on the table and walk around. I look in the bedrooms and bathrooms and he wasn't anymore

I walked outside and saw Gio sitting by the pool smoking

"Gio" I whisper

He turned away right away

"What" he said Turing the other away

"I'm so sorry gio" I cry

"Yeah" he said putting the cigar in his mouth

"Do you hate me" I say

He didn't answer

"What" he says putting out his cigar

"I'm so sorry gio, I didn't want to hurt you I swear gio, I care about you" I say

"Yeah, but not to that point" he said opening a bottle of beer

"You just don't get it do you" I say

"I don't get it?" He asked "My door was fucking open for you when you were upset, I was there for you, you don't understand Sasha" he paused

"You see, your not like other girls, you have this passion in you, I can tell you've been hurt before and your hurting inside but your going through it, your struggling" he paused again
"I know what happened with you and Charles, how joey bullied you. Joey has changed but he doesn't seem good for you" he said

"So you do understand? That I've been through hell, so why would you put so much pressure on me" I say

"I'm sorry if I did put pressure on you those weren't my intentions. I knew you were hurting so that's exactly why I gave you my place to stay if you were upset. I thought maybe, maybe you had feelings for me, after everything that happened I thought you did, but it was wrong, the thing is Sasha, you aren't grateful at all, you know everybody likes you, you know that everyone will drop what there doing just to be with you, and that's what I exactly fell for" he said

"What do you mean" I say

"Your an ungrateful bitch" he said

I raised my eyebrows
"Wow, thanks for making me feel better" I say looking down

"I'm not trying to be mean, I'm being honest" he said

"Okay but it's not like what you said wasn't rude" I say

"I'm sorry, I just needed to let it out" he said

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now