Part 29

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I woke up to my mom yelling at me
"Wake up Sasha" she said

"Ok jeez I'm up" I said

"We're gonna be late lets go, what your wearing is fine" she said

I walked out the house and didn't even get the chance to see how I look and even better I forgot my charger. We hopped in the car and my mom took off

•At airport•

We were waiting for Bella Sophia and Joey to show up.

This is actually so embarrassing.

"Mom I'm just going inside" I said
She nodded

I walked inside the plane I had seat number 39 . A window seat . I sat down and scrolled through my Instagram

I heard Jen and everyone walk in and I put my head down so they wouldn't notice me

"Where's seat number 40" someone said

"Right next to sasha" Sarah said

I look up and it was joey.
He had seat number 40, right next to me how fun

"Hey" he smiled

"Hi" I said putting in my head phones

This is so embarrassing. He put his luggage away and told me to take out my headphones

"Yes" I say

"Are you excited" he said buckling his seat belt

"Not really to be honest, I've been to Hawaii multiple time" I say putting my headphones back in

The plane took off and I layed my head back and went to sleep

"Sasha wake up" someone said shaking my shoulder

I woke up to joey smiling at me

I woke up and stretched and looked out the window. We landed and joey took both our luggages

"Here you go" he said handing mine

"Thanks" I smiled

We got out the plane and called a Uber and stayed at a fancy hotel

"So why don't Joey, Sophia, and Sasha all share a room and me and you and the rest will share another room" Jen told my mom

"Great idea" my mom said

She went to the counter and got 2 rooms. She gave me the key. She walked away and went to her room but I stayed in the lobby

"Lets go" Sophia said

"I'm tired I can't even walk" I said yawning

"I'll Carry you" joey suggested

"How cute" Sophia said

"It's fine" I said walking to the elevator

We walked to our room and there was 2 beds
"I call sleeping with Sasha" Sophia said jumping on the bed

"Okay" I said.
I closed the door and changed into my pjs
I turned on the tv and went on my phone

"My favorite show" Sophia said

"Same" I said turning off my phone

"My favorite character is Damon" joey said walking in shirtless

"Mine is Stefan" Sophia said

"Ha, he dies at the end" I told her

She punched my shoulder "I hate you" she laughed

"I didn't finish the show someone told me" I tell her

Joey smiled at us and walked over to his bed and went on his bed.
I walked to my luggage which was on joeys other side of the bed

I got up and took out my charger but then I remembered I forgot it

"Do you guys have a charger" I asked

"Yeah, here use mine" joey said handing me his charger

I took his charger and plugged my phone in. I sat on my bed and looked outside the window

"Woah, look at the sunset" I say opening the balcony door

I went outside and looked at the sunset the sky was pink and purple and the air that passed by me felt so amazing and the smell of the beach

"Woah" joey said walking outside

"I need to Snapchat this" Sophia said running inside to get her phone

"Wanna go walk around the beach" joey said

"Sure" I said

We walked out the hotel and walked to the beach

We walked around in the water and just talked

"The water is so cold ahhh" joey screamed

" your scream" I laughed

He chuckled and stood next to me
"I love this weather" I said taking off my shirt ( she had a swimsuit under)

"Lets go swimming" I said

"The waters too cold I'll just stay here" he said

"Okay" I said I gave joey my shirt and ran in the water. Joey was sitting by the sand

"You'll get used to joey cmon" I said

"No thank you" he said lying down

I turned around and put my head underwater.
Joey was sleeping and what great idea to splash him with water

I saw a view kids with a bucket and I asked one of them if I can use it and she let me keep it

I filled the bucket up with water and tiptoed to joey

"Joey" I said kicking his leg.
He opened his eyes and looked at me.
I dumped the water on him and threw the bucket and ran back in the water

Joey got up and ran to me
"I'm going to get you" he said coming in the water

"You gotta get in to get me" I laughed

He got in the water and swam to me. I ran out the water and I felt someone's arm wrap around me.

"Got you" he smiled

"Let me go" I said trying to get out his grip

He threw me over his shoulder and walked back to the water

"Joey don't" I said
He threw me in the water. I swam back up and he laughed

I swam to him and jumped on his back
"I hate you" I said

Joey fell backwards into the water purposely so I can go in the water too

"Wow joey" I said

He smiled and walked back to the sand
I layed down next to him. Looking at the stars

"It's getting cold" I said

"Here's your shirt" he said handing me my shirt

I put it on. Joey layed out his hand and I snuggled up in the chest.

Read my other fanfic "i fell love with my fangirl"

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now