Part 53

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My mom let geo Bryce and Jacob stay over at my house.
"Where am I gonna sleep" geo asked

"On my bed" I smirk

"How fun" he said wrapping his arms around me

I took him to my room and he put everything away and sat on my bed.
I walked over to him and started kissing him.

He pulled me closer to him by my ass
and layed me on the bed. He got on top of me and bit his lip

He smashed his lips into mine and snaked his hand in my shirt and cupped my breast

He smiled and got off me
"You tease" I laugh

He smirked and checked himself in the mirror

"You look fine" I hug him

"Theres a party at Tyler's tonight wanna go" geo asked

"Sure" I kiss him

We heard the door slam shut and i looked at geo and furrowed my eyebrows. I walked out my room and saw joey making out with someone

"What the hell" I whisper

Geo looked at them and bit his lip

"Geo" I slap him.

"Who is that" he asked

I looked a little clearer and it was Clare

I got heated and ran downstairs
"What the hell do you guys think your doing" I say grabbing Clare's shoulder

"Oh my" she said

"Sorry Sasha" joey said

I scoffed and rolled my eyes
"Babe it's okay" geo said trying to confront me

"No it's not" I say pushing him away

"Do we have a problem" Clare asked crossing her arms

"Yes we do" I say slapping her face

She held her cheek and looked at me
"Sasha what the hell" joey said

Clare grabbed my wrist and kicked me to the floor.
Did she really just do that
I got up and kicked her. She fell on the floor and I got on top of her and shaped my hand in a fist and started punching her

She strangled me and pulled my hair and started kicking me.
I grabbed her hair and pulled it as hard as i could.
I shoved my knee in her stomach and she screamed

"STOP" geo said grabbing me off her

I try to get out of geos grip but he was too strong.
Joey helped Clare up and looked at me
"Fuck you" she said

I got out of goes grip and ran after her put geo grabbed me before I could choke her

Geo threw me over his shoulder and took me upstairs
"You should've let me choke her" I tell him

He put me down and laughed
"Don't worry about her" he said

"It's not funny" I slap his arm

"You guys looked like fighting cats" he said

"I was a dog she was the cat" I state

"A badass dog" geo kissed me

I smirked and changed into the outfit I was going to wear to geos

"How's this" I say coming out my closet

"Your so fine" he bit his lip

"Thank you" I hair flip

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck

I turn around and kiss him
"Are you ready to go" he asked

I nodd and we left the house

*At Tyler's house*
"Try to stay with me the most" he said holding my hand

I nodd and saw Laila

"LAILA" I scream

I ran to her and hugged her
"Hey Sasha" she smiled

"You know tyler" I ask

"Yup" she said "come with me to get food"

She pulled my arm to the backyard where everyone was hanging and dancing.

"Look at all this food" she laughed

"Yummy" I smirk

I saw geo talking with Bryce and I blushed looking at him. He makes me so happy.

It kept getting more and more crowded I couldn't move. I ran inside the house and it was still crowded. I went to the kitchen and I saw people drinking

I look to my right and saw geo drinking
"Hey babe don't drink to much" I hold his arm

"It's a party Sasha let him do whatever he wants" Clare buts in

Geo smirked at her and I looked at her and clenched my jaw

"Why don't you leave before I knee you in the face" I smile

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Bitch" I whisper

I saw Chloe and Bella and I ran over to them and talked. We all sat at a table and talked and had food.

"I got a chip in between my boob" Bella frowns

"I hate when that happens" Chloe laughed

I checked the time and we've already been here for 3 hours.

"I'm tired you guys, I'm going to leave" I say getting up

"Okay bye girl" Bella hugged me

"Bye " I hug her

I waved goodbye at Chloe and looked around for geo

I called him 3 times but he didn't answer.
"Bryce do you know where geo is" I asked him

His eye grew wider
"I don't know" he hesitated

I furrowed my eyebrows and knew something was up
"What is he doing" I run inside

Bryce ran after me and stopped me
"Let me go" I say

"No I can't" he said

"Why" I say

"I can't" he frowned

"Is he smoking" I asked

Bryce looked down and looked me in the eyes
"I'm sorry Sasha" he said and let me go

He walked away and left me alone.
I went in the hallway and tried opening the first door but it wouldn't open.
I tried all the other doors but they were locked as well

I sat down on the wall and was listening to all couple banging in the room.

I laughed because the girl was acting like it's her first time having sex.
I took out my phone and called geo.

If you think you know what is gonna happen please don't comment and spoil for the other readers okay thanks

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