Part 33

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I stopped the kiss and looked at joey. He smiled and kissed me back

"That's enough" gio said stopping us

Me and Joey both looked at gio
"She's my girl" joey smiled

I smiled back

"We should get going" Joey said getting up.

"I'll meet you at the hotel" I told him
Joey left to the hotel and I went back to get my towel and phone

"Hey" Gio smiled

"Hi" I said turning my back towards him
I walked away and he grabbed my ass
"What the hell" I said slapping his hand

"I'm sorry" he said hugging me

"It's fine I guess" I said hugging him back

He let go and held my chin and smiled
He came closer to me
"What the fuck are you doing" I said pushing him

"JACOB" he yelled

They all turned around and got up and walked toward us. I backed away and ran to the hotel

"Where were you" Sophia asked

"I was at the beach" I tell her

"I know but then you went somewhere and I couldn't find you" she said

I didn't answer her
"Where's joey" I said

"He went out to eat, go take a shower so we can go too" she said

I hoped in the shower. I did what I had to do and dried myself

I blow dried my hair and changed into something comfy and left the hotel with Sophia

"I heard they have French fries there" Sophia said excitedly

I nodded and we went down to the food area and all the boys where there as well

"Let's get food and eat somewhere else" I said taking a plate

"Okay?" Sophia said confused

We got out food and went by the pool area to eat

"Who are the boys joey is hanging out with" Sophia said taking a bite from her French fry

"I don't know" I lied

"Okay well I'm done, meet me back at the hotel when your done" she said

"Okay" I said giving her my plate to throw away

I stayed by the pool and thought about Charles

Text message
Hey char, how are you
Read 9:54pm

I hate when he leaves me on read. This is all my fault

"Hey" Johnny said sitting next to me

"Hi" I smiled

"You seem down what's up" he said

"Nothing" I lied

"Gio really likes you" he said

"I don't care. I don't like him" I stated

"No Sasha, he likes you like a lot, he wants you" Johnny said

"I don't care" I said again

"Damn, I'm sorry" he said putting his arms up in defense

I rolled my eyes and he got up and left
"Hey baby" I felt someone's arm around my shoulder

I look up and it was joey. I smiled
"Hey babe" I said
I patted down on his the chair for him to sit next to me

I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me
"I'm going to protect you at all cost" he said

I look at him " I love you"

He smiled and kissed me

"I love you more Sasha" he said

I made myself a little more comfy
"Heyyo" gio said standing in front of us

"What's up" joey said giving him a fist bump

"Nothing" gio smirked at me
I rolled my eyes and kissed joeys cheek

He smiled at me and I looked at gio and he was mad.
"Do you want something?" I ask

"I'll just leave" he said walking away

I went on top of joey and kissed him
"You have soft lips" I smile

He put his hand through my hair and kissed me roughly . I moved my hips feeling his bulge grow.

"Your such a tease" he smiled

I laughed and got off him and walked back to the food

"What you getting" joey said following me

"Water" I said
I grab a cup and fill it with water. Joey wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder

He started kissing my neck and sucking on my skin "not now Joey" I said

He turned me around and kissed my forehead
"Well finish this later" he winked at me and then walked away

I bit my lip as he walked away. He's so cute ugh

"Hey" Jacob said

I rolled my eyes and walked away from him

I went back to my hotel and saw Sophia watching vampire diaries

"Oh what part are you on" I said laying down next to her

"The part where Stefan turns off his humanity" she said

"Oh I'm way passed that" I said

"Dont spoil anything please" she begged

"Don't worry im not like that" I said cuddling with her

"Are you and joey dating" she asked

"Why" I said

"Because you smell like him" she laughed

I laughed and put the sheets over us. I fell asleep in Sophia's arm

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