Part 40!!

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I woke up to my annoying alarm. I stretched and saw joey sleeping on his bed and Sophia sleeping next to me.

I turned on my phone and scrolled through Instagram. I heard joey moan so I turned off my phone and pretended I was sleeping.

"Fuck" I heard him say

I opened my eyes and he was staring at me
"Good morning" he said

I got up and walked to the bathroom. Today we are going to the fair. I'm excited but I don't want to be with joey.
I ftimed Anthony for a while and then ended because I had to take a shower.

I came out and blow dried my hair and but on some shorts and a tank top and walked out

"SASHA" Sophia screamed and hugged me

"Hey Sophia" I smiled

"I missed you so much" she said tightening the hug

"Okay okay Sophia calm down" I said stopping her

She laughed

"Hey" joey said

I ignored him and went outside by the car and waited for my mom to come. I waited for about 10 minutes and saw Sophia and joey coming to the car

"I call sitting in the front"Sophia said

Sophia sat in the front and me and joey in the back. How fun

My mom drove us to the fair and dropped us off by the intersection
"Meet me back here okay" my mom smiled

We all nodded and walked out

"Why is everyone staring at us" Sophia said fixing herself

"I don't know" I said smiling at one of the girls

"Bryce" I heard joey yell

I look around for Bryce and see him with Gio, Mario, Jacob, and Gio.

I pulled Sophia over to the ticket machine so we don't see them

"20 dollars for one wristband" the lady said
I handed her my money and she but the wristband on me and Sophia's wrist

"Can we please not go near them" I tell Sophia

"Sure" she said

"Lets go on the Ferris wheel" she said

"Okay" I smiled.

We went in line and waited for our turn. I turned around and saw the boys behind us. I turned around right away and closed my eyes in embarrassment

"Hey Sasha" I heard gio

"Hey" I smile at him

"Can we take a picture" a fan asked gio

"Sure" he smiled

I look over at joey and he was talking to some girl and I got really jealous so I looked away. We were next in line and the lady looked at our wrist and let us in

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now