Part 44

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I walked back to my towel and layed down and Joey came and layed down next to me

He was watching the sunset and I turned over to face him

He looked at me and chuckled "what" he smiled

Which gave me the goosebumps because his smile is so beautiful

"I like staring at your eyes" I say

Joey turned over on his side and looked at me
"I like staring at your beautiful self" he said

I blushed and looked away. "Thanks?" I say in a questionable tone

"Wanna go get some ice cream by the pier over there" joey said pointing at the ice cream Stand

"Sure" I say

I got up and Sophia went home. Me and joey walked to the ice cream stand.

"What do you want" he said

"Hmm, I want chocolate" I say

"2 chocolates please" joey said to the guy selling us ice cream

The man scooped us a chocolate cone and joey paid for me. How sweet

We got out ice cream and walked around the pier

"Woah" I say looking at the view

"What" joey laughed

"Look at the stars" I say

"Wow" joey said licking his ice cream

I turned around and my arm hit joey and my ice cream fell

"Your fucking kidding me right" I say looking at my ice cream that was on the floor

Joey laughed and handed me his ice cream
"You can have mine" he smiled

"No it's fine" I say

"Please just take mine" he begged

"Joey, it's fine" I lied. Because chocolate ice cream is probably the best ice cream ever

Joey shrugged and threw away his ice cream

"Why'd you do that" I say

"So we can be even" he said

I was confused but I saw a jewelry store and ran in there

"Joey look how cute this necklace is" I smiled

"How much is it" he asked

"280 bucks" I say putting it back. I looked around the store and bumped into gio

"Oh hey baby" he said kissing my cheek

"Hey" I smile

"You disappeared after the show where did you go, was it because what happened" he asked

"What no" I say holding his arm

"Then what happened" he asked

"I just wanted to go home" I say

"Are you here with joey?" He said with anger in his voice

"Babe chill" I say holding him back

"Why are you here with him" he asked

"Just hanging out as friends don't worry babe" I said kissing his lips

"Hey Gio" Joey waved

Gio nodded and left

"What's up with him" he said

"I don't know" I shrugged

We left the store and looked around

"It's getting pretty late, wanna go home" he asked

"Yea" I smile.

We left the pier and started walking back to the hotel

"Oh I got you something" he said digging his pocket

"I love surprises" I smirk

He brought his hand out his pocket and it was the necklace I wanted

"Oh my god Joey" I cover my mouth with my hands

He blushed and looked me in the eyes

"Sasha, I want you to know that I'm truly sorry for what I did, I never wanted to hurt you, you mean the whole entire world to me and I hate myself so much for hurting you, I'm so sorry" he started tearing up

"Joey" I whisper

I hugged him and he tightened his hug
"I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear

"I forgive you" I whisper

He tightened the hug and I heard him cry
"Joey" I say

He let go and looked at me
His eyes were filled with tears.

I wiped one of the tears that was rolling down his cheek

"Can I put this on you" he smiled

"Yea" I turn around and moved my hair to the other side

He put the necklace around my neck and clipped it

I turned around and smiled

"Beautiful" he smiled

I blushed. He put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist

We got to the hotel and went straight to the room. We did our night routine and went to bed

Sophia was already dead asleep so I tried my best to go on the bed without her waking up

"Sleep with me" Joey said

"What" I say

"Sleep, on my bed" he said

"Okay" I smile

I went on his bed and layed down next to him

"Thank you joey" I smile

"For what" he said

"The necklace" I smile

He nodded

"Good night" I say

"Good night" he smiled

Short chapter I'm sorry 😩

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