Part 14

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He leaned and I leaned in . Our lips crashed into each other's . All my worries were gone. I was alone in the room with him. I stopped the kiss and looked at him .

"You don't love me" I said as my heart dropped and my face turned red.

Joey paused and looked at me
"Who knows though , I might actually be falling for you" he said bitting his lip staring at my lips

My heart stopped when he said that. I kissed him back passionately. Our lips perfectly in sync . He layed me on the bed and was holding my thigh. He took off his shirt and he took off mine . He started planting kisses on my neck and started to leave hickeys .

"Joey" I said moaning

He started going lower and took off my pants. I took off his jeans and started to kiss him .
He took off underwear

"Are you ready" he asked

"Ya" I said looking away

He put his 🍆 in you vag- ( this is so weird to write 😂😭)

"It'll only hurt for a bit" he said bitting his lip
He started thrusting in and out of me .

"Joey" I said moaning loudly

"Almost done" he said holding my waist
I felt a knot in my stomach

"Joey, I feel it, I'm about to" I said

I got an orgasm   Joey stopped and started kissing me .

We both were panting for air .

"Woah" joey said laying down next to me

I looked at him then the time and remembered I was at a party
I got up and started to put on my clothes

"Where do you think your going" Joey said

"I need some air" I said opening the door and walking downstairs

"Where were you " laila said looking worried

"I'm um, was in the bathroom" I lied

"Okay well , we are about to surprise Aaron with a cake come help me" laila said

"Ok" I said

I followed her to the kitchen she took the cake out the fridge and I got the candles and lighter.

" ok go tell everyone to gather around outside" laila said taking the cake outside

I went around and told everyone . I ran outside and everyone was singing happy birthday to Aaron.

I went up a little closer . Everyone was taking photos of him . I can see joey with the corner of my eye staring at me . He smiled at me and then bit his lip. I turn the other way around and started walking away. I see Charles sitting alone inside so I got and sit next to him

"Hey" I said

"Hi"Charles said

"Look Charles I hate that your mad at me I'm so sorry, I have no feelings for joey , I like you" I said looking down

Charles lifted my chin

"I could never be mad at you" he said leaning in

Our lips crashed into each others. I stop the kiss and look at him

"What was that " I asked blushing

"A kiss" he said smiling.

It was 12am and we all decided to sleepover. I slept with Charles , laila slept with Aaron and everyone else slept alone. I felt my phone buzzing . I take out my phone and see I got a text from joey


Joey: i want you

I left him on read and fell asleep on Charles chest.

Boring chapter lol😩

Bullied by Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now