Part 27

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I opened my closet door and picked out the outfit

I opened my closet door and picked out the outfit

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I looked at myself
"Damn I slay" I laughed

I walked out the door and hopped in my Uber
I gave him the address and we took off.

"Thank you" I say getting out

He nodded and drove off

I opened the door. The place was crowded people everywhere. People hooking up, drinking, smoking. I look around to find my friends but I couldn't find them

I walk outside and called them and none of them answered. I walked too the food area and felt someone touch my waist
I turned around expecting it to be Charles but it was joey

"Sorry just trying to get through" he said putting his arms in defense

I smiled and saw Anthony. I ran too him but he turned around and kissed a girl. I stopped running and turned around and walked back inside

"Watch it bitch" the person said

"Sorry" I said. I look a little clearly too see who it was and it was Brandon

I looked down and walked to the front door
"Where have you been" someone grabbed my arm

"Char" I smile kissing him

"I want to introduce you to someone" he said pulling me outside

He took me to a boy who looked around our age. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi" I said putting my hand out for him to shake but he ignored so I took my hand back

That was so embarrassing
"This is Tyler Brown" Charles said

I nodded and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear

"You don't remember me?" Tyler asked

I shook my head "nope"

"We used to hang out all the time. Remember when we dumped water on ms.johnson in 7th grade " he said

I furrowed my eyes "tyty brown" I laugh

"YESS" tyler laughed

"Omg Tyler" I said hugging him "I missed you, what happened"

"I don't know it's been a while tho" he laughed

"Very" I said

"So are you and Charles dating" he said raising an eyebrow

"Yes" I said kissing his cheek.
Charles smiled at me

"Hey girl" Chloe said

"Omg where has you been" I said

"Bye guys" I say to Charles and Tyler. I walk away with Chloe

"Carlee took forever and she was my ride" Chloe said

We walked back inside and everyone was dancing

"I wanna join come with me" Chloe said pulling my hand

We got on the dance floor and started dancing the living shit out of us.
Charles saw and joined us. I laughed and started dancing with him. I kissed him and he held my waist

"I love you" he whispers.

Everything was such a blur but I was having such a blast. I started dancing on Charles and everyone kept staring at us

"Play with my vibe, sparks gonna fly" I said singing the song ( malus new song btw it's so good omg)

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arm around my ass

"I love you" I smile at him and kiss him
I turn around and rubbed my back on him. He held my waist and turned me around.


I woke up on a coach. I rub my eyes a little and look around and see I'm still at Spencers

Joey was sleeping next to me and so was Chloe.

I got up and walked to the bathroom
I turn on my phone and sat in the bathtub

I look on Snapchat and saw someone posted a video of me and Charles dancing. I click it but it wasn't Charles I was dancing with last night. It was someone else. I zoom in a little and it was

Oh no

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