Dates (LAMP)

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The Sanders Sides sat on the couch, Anxiety in the middle of Roman and Patton with Logan on Pattons other side and leaning into him slightly. They where watching Disney movies, as usual, but they normally only watched movies together on Friday night.

It was Monday night.

Although Prince had been acting - slightly - uncharacteristically sappy all morning. First he made them all pancakes - the only thing he could make - and then he didn't fight with any of the others, and now they where watching movies.

Movies that where a collective favourite of theirs.

"Not that I don't enjoy spending time with you all but why are we watching movies today? On a Monday? I don't exactly like my schedule being interrupted or sudden changes and this is a sudden change," Anxiety asked (and then ramble on in order to justify his question, before silently cursing himself for rambling).

"Yes, this is quite unusual Roman," Logic added, although his sleep was slightly muffled by his face being pressed into Morality's shirt. Morality remained silent, waiting for Prince to answer.

"Well... it is our one month anniversary..." Roman said blushing slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. The other three sides stared at him.

"One month? But we only started dating three weeks ago!" Morality proclaimed, speaking up for the first time since  they started watching movies.

"I though it had only been a week..." Logic trailed off, confusion evident on his face and in his tone.

"When do you think we started dating? Because I'm going by when I took you three to the beach and we watched fire works together," Roman said. He had moved from his position on Anxiety's left in order to look at them all better. Tangled was on in the background, no one was  focusing on it.

"That was a date? I'm going from when I made that dinner  a little after that, the one with the candles and stuff," Patton piped in before running a hand through his hair. He, personally, found the whole situation hilarious.

"Oh, I am basing my assumption on the time last week when we all went out on a walk and a picnic despite the rain and Anxiety got soaked so we returned home early," Logic replied.

"Well, there is only one way to settle this. Anxiety, when do you think we started dating?" Roman asked and the others turned to look at him expectingly.

"Uh.... we're dating?" Was his only response.

"Okay, let's clear this up. Patton, Anxiety, Roman, would you all like to by my, and each other's, boyfriend?" Logic surprisingly asked.

Three 'yes's where the response.


Later, when they looked back on that day, the four side  would laugh at how obvious they all where.

Based on a real event that happened to me.


Yes I was Anxiety in this situation (although it was with two people, not three)


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