Young Volcanos (Prinxiety... kinda)

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He hated love. He hated the way it made his stomach churn and his face flush; he hated the way it made him giddy and happy and he despised the way it took his breath away. It was difficult, uncontrollable and only led to heart break. Eventually everyone falls out of love, and ends even the longest relationships; leaving shattered hearts and rivers of tears in its wake. Soulmates wherent something that existed, and if they did he certainly didn't deserve one.

He was Anxiety, nothing more nothing less. He was Thomas' negative emotions and thoughts compressed into a six-foot-two giant. Who could possible love him? Or hell, who could even like him?

Thomas hated him; he just caused their host to drown in negativity after all.

Morality was kind to him out of pity and as some twisted form of his 'job' as the father.

Logic.... well Logic didn't even pretend to tolerate him. Whilst he never directed many insults to the darker Side, he was alot colder to him that he was to the other three.

And Prince.... He prefred not to think about how the royal felt about him; he couldn't handle that amount of pain. (He knew he was a coward and that he should face the fact that Prince didn't like him - even as a friend - yet was it wrong for him to want to live in ignorant bliss?)

Grabbing his phone he quickly out his headphones in to drown out the noise in his head. He hit shuffle on his 'Emo Trinity' playlist, sighing when 'Young Valconos' by Fall Out Boy came on. It was one of his favourite songs from their album 'Save Rock and Roll', he found the upbeat rhythm combined with the depressing lyrics soothing and a perfect mix.

(It was for that reason that he adored Twenty One Pilots after all.)

He started singing along, not realizing that it wasn't his usual quiet mumbling but instead he was practically screaming the lyrics; which was why he couldn't hear someone singing it with him.

Although he certainly noticed when his throat was too clogged with tears to sing clearly, and he noticed the way his words fell out in-between sobs when he continued singing anyway. But he didn't care, sadness was something far too familiar to him; his only comfort in the messed up world he was forced to live in.


He loved love; the way it made butterflies form in his stomach and tingled his skin when his love touched him. The way it took his breath away when ever his love walked into a room floored him, grounded him yet made him float into the clouds with the pure joy it brought him. Sure love was difficult, uncontrollable and could lead to heartbreak but that doesn't mean it was bad; it just meant you had to try a little harder to keep it. He loved the idea of Soulmates, of people that where made for each other, and he knew he had already found his.

Roman sat outside of Virgil's door, debating on if he should go in or not; whilst he knew Virgil liked his privacy he also knew that he hated being alone.

(He knew a lot about Virgil, like the way he hated physical contact when it was unexpected but would melt into it if he knew it was coming. Or the way he would curl into himself to make himself seem smaller when the others fought because the loud noise and shouting scared him.)

But he didn't turn the handle. He didn't go in; instead he sat outside and sung gently along to the screamed out lyrics at the other side of the door, praying that the other would hear and find comfort in the fact that he wasn't completely alone.

He ignored the chocked words and eventual sobs that came from the other side of the door, instead singing a little louder in hopes that his love would hear him despite knowing it would be the same as every other night he spent outside the darker Sides door.


Virgil never did hear him, and Roman couldn't ever bring himself to go inside.

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