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I am going to put a quick disclaimer here: Whilst I am a Witch, and I practice Witchcraft, I am fairly new and I do not claim to know everything about the subject. If you believe something about this is wrong, please tell me and I shall research what you said and correct any mistakes I may have made. I did, however, thoroughly research Witchcraft and different aspects of it, both for this fanfic and my own benefit.


To say his room was slightly cliché would be correct. It was painted in the dark blacks and greys that where normally associated with Witches, but that was just because it was what appealed to him. Potted plants littered ever available surface - bookshelves, windowsills and on top of his draws -  and a deck of tarot cards sat on his art desk, along with various crystals. A hint of Rose Quartz could be seen from under his pillow, decorated with cliché quarter-moons and tiny stars, and sketchbooks where laying on his bed. Candles also littered various surfaces, although most where unlit.

The owner of this room was quiet lucky that no one came into it as (typical) Witchy items where everywhere, from the Sigils on his sketchbooks to the crystals and tarot cards on display, and he was - for lack of a better phrase, "in the woods" about his craft. He knew the others would more than likely be accepting of it, but there was that small, constant, suspicion that they would try and twist it to make him seem like a villain.

In the centre of this room sat a man with his legs crossed - 'in a basket' as they used to say in school - atop of a dark purple blanket. His eyes where closed and his body relaxed, hands resting on knees and fingers slightly curled inwards. He looked peaceful and content.

He shifted slightly, barely noticeable and hardly disturbing the calm aura around him, yet his eyebrows furrowed in confusion before unfurrowing and he looks just as peaceful as before. It was as if nothing had happened.

Until it happened again, although this time he stopped his meditation and stood up before staring at the wall in front of him in confusion. The sudden rush of adrenaline and goosebumbs where similar to those he received when being summoned, and so he sunk out of his room (forgetting that he was in his star-y Pyjama bottoms and short sleeved T-shirt with his 'anti-anxiety' Sigil on his arm) in order to see why his meditation had been interrupted.

"What do you want?" he asked as soon as he landed in his usual spot on the stairs. His voice lacked his usual bite, although the others failed to notice that.

"Uh... where you busy?" Thomas asked as he gestured to his outfit.

"I was sleeping," he lied quickly, his words coming out slightly to fast but they would probably pin that down to his general anxiety.

"Oh.. okay, we where just about to plan a video, wanna join?" Thomas asked, again, as he gestured to the other three - who where sat on the couch, crowded around a few sheets of paper.

"You.... want me to stay?" He asked slowly, slightly afraid that this was all a dream. Since preforming that anti-nightmare spell, and sleeping with Rose Quartz under his pillow, he had been having much better dreams and the current events certainly seemed to be one of them. But the hurt that flashed through their eyes at his question assured him that he was in fact wake.

He rubbed his hands over his face, allowing it to rest in his balms for a moment before hitting his black-painted nails together and answering them, "I'm not going to be much help, but sure I'll stick around."

It was almost two hours later, after they had finished the first stages of writing out the videos script, that someone pointed out the Sigil on his arm.

"Hey, Anxiety, what's that on your arm?" Roman had sais, drawing the others attention to the noticeable black 'lines' on his skin.

He panicked slightly before blurting out, "nothing, just a doodle."

His answer seemed to satisfy them and he sighed in relief as they all got back to work, he shot down a few ideas that where far to farfetched before they decided that they where finished for that day. They had the basic script and plot of the video done, and there was no need in pushing themselves beyond their limits after all.

He was the last to sink down, as he helped Thomas tidy up after the others, but he let out a sigh of relief. The familiar dark walls and unlit candles where soothing to him as he carefully walked over to his crumbled purple blanket and folded it up before putting it away.

Maybe, one day, he would come out of the woods.



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