Monster (Poly!! though the focus is on Prinxiety)

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Virgil lay curled up into himself in the Common Room of Thomas' mind, the others sprawled around him trying to convince him to go to his room and sleep.

"Virgil, you are obviously tired and you need to go sleep somewhere comfortable," Logic said as he adjusted his glasses and stared at the youngest trait in something akin to worry.

Virgil just shook his head before burying it into his hands, his constantly-on sunglasses where laying on the floor, the first sign that something was wrong.

"Darling, you can't sleep on the couch, it will damage your back. Is there a reason you refuse to go to your room?" Roman asked as he rubbed circles onto the anxious mans back. Anxiety looked u from his arms before wearily nodding at Prince, returning his head to its previous position of being smothered by his hoodie.

"Do you want to sleep in my room, Virge?" Morality said as he took one of Virgil's hands in his own and rubbed it with his thumb.  Virgil made a faint noise of agreement before Patton pulled him up and led them both to his room, Logan and Roman followed behind them.

Prince and Logic broke of from the others as they went to get changed but Patton let Virgil borrow one of his shirts, knowing how wearing his (or Romans or Logan's) clothes always calmed him. The light blue shirt came down to the middle of Anxiety's thigh, and just as they had finished getting changed the other two walked in.

Prince had bought a pair of pyjama-bottoms for Virgil, the ones with Disney villains on them that he always stole, and gave them to the darker trait. Virgil put them on and loved the softness of them and the way they weren't too baggy whist still being too big for him.

They all slimed into bed, Anxiety in the middle, and said their goodnights before Anxiety was asleep. The others looked at the sleeping man besides them, trying to take in the sight as they knew they wouldn't see him asleep soon, until they all fell asleep.

... Or everyone except Roman fell asleep, the Prince made his way to Anxiety's room with his sword in hand. He was going to vanquish the beast that plagued his beloveds mind.

The door creaked open and out of the corner of his eye Roman saw something that looked vaguely like a monster. It was a shadow on the wall, a mere copy of what was truly there, and it sent shivers down his spine. He understood why Virgil had refused to return to his room, still he pushed on. He couldn't leave now, not when that monster would still scare Anxiety enough that the trait refused to return to his room.

He rounded a corner and saw where the shadow was coming from; a pile of things - clothes, books, Princes sash - sitting atop a chair. Roman quickly snatched his sash from the chair before starting to put the other things away, the clothes returned to the closet and the books to the bookshelves, until the chair was bare and the shadow had vanished.

The next morning, after the others had all woken up and left to do their own things - Morality make breakfast for them all, Logic looking for Anxiety's favourite book that always calmed him down after an attack - Roman went to find the dark trait.

"I defeated the monster that lurked in your room, Virgil!" Prince declared as he found him outside his room, debating on whether to go in or not. After Romans declaration, he slowly pushed the door open and found that there was in fact n creepy shadow on the wall. Turning around, he quickly pulled Roman into a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He said, in a single breath, as he hugged Roman close to his chest.

"Anything for you, love," Roman said, kissing the darker traits forehead.

"Breakfast is ready!" Morality yelled suddenly and the two broke their embrace, instead walking down the halls to the kitchen with their hands joined and a loving smile on both of their faces.

(Patton may have squealed at the sight, despite the fact that they had all been dating for a few months now.)

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