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 Patton never expected to find an angel on his way home from grocery shopping, although he didn't expect to find an angel anywhere.


It was a beautiful day, the sun shining and hardly a cloud in sight. A woman was leaning against a tree, waiting for someone to show up. She was hardly noticed, practically invisible to those that weren't looking for her, and only one man was looking.

"Did you succeed?" the man questioned as the woman joined him in sitting outside the café.

"Yes," the woman said as she eyed the envelope. She sat impossibly still as the man subjected her to a would piercing gaze.

"And the angels?" He asked, voice calm and collected yet holding a silent threat.

"They have no idea. But I don't understand, the portal was not opened your plan failed," She questioned as she took the envalope that he slid over the table, counting the contents before nodding in satisfaction.

"Our plan did not fail and he shall return," the man said before standing up and blending in with the poeple on the busy street.


Patton Sanders was not an easy person to surprise, he expected so much to happen that he had probably already predicted exactly what you planed to do. He was, however, surprised to see a young boy with dirty wings and a crooked halo hidden by his hair.

The boy wore something akain to a sheet tied around one shoulder that looked similar to a dress, which stood out like a sore thumb compared to Pattons 'dad pants', blue polo-shirt and grey cardigan.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he walked towards the boy, when he was close enough he saw that the boys white robes where stained red.

The boy moved a miniscule amount, but at least he was alive. He lifted his head and looked around slowly, confusion in his golden eyes.

"Where am I?" He asked to no one in particular. Although he flinched back when he saw Patton approaching, blood dripping into his eyes at the sudden movement.

Patron was appalled by the state the child was in, cuts and bruises litterd his fragile frame. "America, Calafornia," he answered despite his disgust at the people that would do this to someome, especially a child.

"Oh, okay." The boy sighed before trying to stand up, leaning heavily on the wall beside him. Patton rushed forwards, glad he had already put the shopping in his car, and caught the boy before he could hit the ground.

"T-thanks," he muttered before blinking the blood out of his eyes.

"It's nothing. I'm Patton, you?" His arm was rather heavy now that he was supporting the weight of another person.

"AX-13-TY, guardian angel of vigilance," he said, like a soilder in the movies listing of their ranks. It was creepy and saddening that the child had been trained to do that.

"Okay, but you need a human name... how about Virgil?" Patton said, as he practically dragged the angel over to his car.

"Okay," Virgil muttered sleepely as he fell into the car, landing sprawled across the back seats. Patton buckled himself in before driving to back to his house, wondering how he was going to explain the angel in his back seat.

It turned out that it was easier than he expected. Logan had been sceptical but after seeing the winged boy he admitted that maybe it was possible that they had a fallen angel living with them, Roman had simply taken of his jacket and started assessing the boys wounds.

He wasn't critically injured, but he was almost there. The sheer amount of injuries he had was appalling and suggested that what ever had been happening had been happening for longer than a few days.

"What's his name?" Logan asked after helping Roman clean and dress the angels wounds.

"AX-13-TY or Virgil," Patton said as he sat w bottle of water down for the angel when he woke up.

Did angels drink water? He didn't know but, hey, he would find out later.

"Why do you think he's here? I mean angels don't live on earth, right?" Roman asked as he shrugged his jacket back on, glad that he had taken it off because it would've been covered in blood by now. And blood was hell to get off of clothes.

"No, they do not. But we just have to wait for him to wake up and ask him then," Logan said, ever the logical one.

"I guess," Roman sighed.

"Do you think he likes cookies?" Patton asked as he walked out of the room, he stressed baked and theit current situation was making everyone stressed.



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