Picnic (LAMP?)

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It started off as a nice day, the sun was shining and the sky was clear of any clouds and logically it was the perfect day for a picnic.

Logan had ever felt more betrayed than that day. When they had arrived at the park - Logan holding Pattons hand and Roman trying to hold Anxiety's - it was still sunny, with only a few clouds over head.

After finding the perfect picnic spot it was a little chilly, but nowhere near what one would consider 'cold'.

They made conversation, Patton and Roman carrying it on as Logan and Anx have trouble with that, and ate the food that they took with them.

Everything was perfect.

Until the first drop of rain. They though nothing of it, the weather changed frequently and the little show of rain would probably be over in a blink of an eye. Except it wasn't and three of the four sides rushed to find cover.

"Is everyone okay?" Patton asked in concern. He took his cardigan from around his shoulders and put it on, it wasn't very effective but it was something at least.

"Ah... where is Hot Topic?" Prince asked suddenly as he looked around for the younger Side.

"Uh... over there," Logic said gesturing to where Anxiety sat in the rain. His baggy hoodie was soaking, his trousers muddy and his hair sticking to his face yet despite all this he seemed calm.

"Anx! Please, come over here, you're gonna catch a cold!" Morality yelled before attempting to go outside in the rain himself. Logic stopped him, saying that it wouldn't do any good if he got sick too.

"Prince, since you are the most suitably dressed can you go and get Anxiety. Morality, and I shall call Thomas and get him to pick us up," Logan instructed as he took out his phone and looked for Thomas' name.

Prince ran outside, wincing at the freezing cold rain that hit his skin, and over to the soaking man.

"Anx, come on please," Prince practically begged, hoping that it would have some sort of effect on the other Side.

"Why? The rains nice Roman, why cant I just sit in it?" Anxiety retaliated, he fell back onto the grass so he was laying on it.

"I'm sorry to do this, but I have no choice," Prince said before scooping Anxiety up and into his arms. He carried the complaining Side over to the others where Thomas' sat waiting in the car.


When they all got home, and back into the mindscape, Anxiety was immediately burritoed in blankets with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. Morality fussed over him, making sure he was constantly warm enough, while Logic checked for any sign of sickness. Prince however had left the room to get the movies for the Marathon that night.

... And if they where all Anxiety's favourites no one mentioned anything.

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