Windowsill Gardens (pre? poly)

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He had a nice apartment, sure it was small but that didn't matter when he was far enough away from the cities loud hustle and bustle yet close enough that he could walk to his destinations without being late. In his little apartment there where three rooms, his bed room, his kitchen and his living room.  

Various plants littered his windowsills, whilst many Grimoire's sat atop his bookshelves. There where of course other books on it, Grimm Folk Tales and the complete collection of Sherlock Holmes where only a few of the noticeable presences. Candles cluttered his tables whilst seemingly useless objects lay scattered around (a total of five pairs of sunglasses sat on the kitchen side) in an almost chaotic fashion.

The furniture was oddly modern, yet old fashioned and worn at the same time. There was hardly any furniture at all, any mini-tables where just books upon books pilled high enough that you could rest something there, yet what there was seemed inviting and cosy. Nothing, however, matched. Certain things would be a nice green whilst others the most vibrant of reds, waiting to be switched out based on their owners intent. It was, much like the random objects strewn around the place, chaotic in a charming way.

The owner of this chaotic little apartment was equally was messy. His hair unkempt and falling into his eyes, which had makeup that resembled eye-bags under them, and his clothing full of unwanted folds. His torn and paint coloured dungarees had a Sigil for protection sown into them, whilst his hoodie and t-shirt remained plain. His socks did not match, although they normally had little plants on them, and his shoes had various things written across the sides of them. This man matched his apartment perfectly, he seemed out of place to the rest of the world yet he was perfectly content and at home with his chaotic-ness.

That content-ness did not changed when he first ran into his three Soulmates, despite them clearly being much neater than he was. He could see the marks quite clearly (a crown, a book and a heart) from where they had all rolled up their sleeves in the warm summer heat. He was unlucky, they hadn't seen his and even if it was on display they wouldn't be able to make it out from all the Sigils that covered his arms and he couldn't just roll up his sleeve could he?

Despite having no idea that he was their final Soulmate they still decided to speak to him. He mostly stayed silent, just listening to whatever glimmer of nature he could hear whilst at the park, although occasionally one of them would say something that picked his interest. Their names where one such occurrence, they hadn't introduced themselves at the start of the conversation and instead had spoken for nearly half an hour without any of them knowing the others name(s).

"Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves! I'm Patton!" The man in the blue shirt says, his voice full of natural energy.

"Logan," the calmest said, he also looked the most professional.

"Roman!" The final man proclaimed dramatically.

"Virgil," he said, and apparently  he could just roll his sleeves up to show his own Soulmate mark. A quarter-moon with stars bordering it, a little cliché but he loved it all the same.

"... It's nice to finally meet you Virgil," Logan had said before Virgil found himself being suffocated by the other twos (surprisingly) strong embrace.


The first time they went back to his apartment was a few weeks after they first met. No one seemed put off by it's messiness or the strange things scattered around - the scrying crystal that sat on a pile of books, the tarot cards in front of the TV - his rooms.

"You like Sherlock Holmes?" Logan questioned, instead of mentioning the state of the apartment - whilst he preferred to keep his things tidy he understood that not everyone did.

"Are those tarot cards?" Roman asked at the same time, his voice full of curiosity and without a hint of judgement.

"Uh, yeah, I read them," Virgil said awkwardly, although his awkwardness faded almost as soon as the dramatic mans eyes lit up in joy and wonder.

"I like your windowsill gardens," Patton said as the other two started exploring the rest of the apartment.

"Thanks," he muttered as thought about what it would be like growing old with these three men. Would he teach them magick? Would he sow Sigils into their clothes and stuff crystals in their pockets?

He had no idea, but he was looking forwards to finding out.



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