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Late. It was late, far too late to be awake... yet there he was, laying on his bed, awake. His head was buzzing with ideas, thoughts falling from his mind before he could grab onto them, hopes and dreams escaping him before he could begin to see the idea unwrap. This buzzing, this noise, this chaos, made his head too loud and too full, forced his eyes to stay open and his mind awake, even when he wished for nothing but sleep.

Tick tock, tick tock. His clock ticked in the background, a constant reminder of the time passing by, a reminder that he should be asleep. The 'tick tock' teasing him, whispering thoughts of something he couldn't have that night; so he curled into his blankets and covered his ears. It didn't block the noise, but he felt slightly better anyway.

Dreams. Ideas. Hopes. Ran through his head uninvited, leaving muddy footprints on his mind before leaving. His one purpose in life, to filter and control these thoughts, and he failed at it - these sparks of creativity ran amok as he could do nothing about it. He had failed Thomas, he continued to fail Thomas as he lay on his bed doing nothing but sulking at...


Sighing, he rubbed his eyes and stood up before walking to his too-grand door. He was tired, grumpy, and needed something to wake him up fast - preferably something called coffee.

The kettle started to boil, Roman tried to remember when he had filled it up and turned it on before shrugging to himself. He grabbed a mug, the coffee and a spoon before sluggishly walking back to the kettle, which had finished boiling.

Once the coffee was poured, Roman sat at the table staring at his hand. It was burnt from him pouring boiling hot water over it, an angry red against his pale skin, yet it felt strangely nice; so he poked at it, winching at the pain it bought him. He poked it again, and again, and again, until there was a small patch of the angry red skin that was constantly buzzing with pain, and Roman smiled a little. At least something felt nice through the mist that where his thoughts, but then it didn't and he dropped his mug (since when was he still holding that) and scalding coffee covered his stomach and legs. He had to restrain himself from letting out a string of curses at the pain, knowing that such a loud noise would probably wake the others and it was bad enough that Logan had found him like that.

"L-Logan, what are you doing up?" He stuttered, hiding his bright red hand from the others view. But the way the smarter sides eyes narrowed at the movement told him that Logan was suspicious.

"What are you hiding?"

"N-Nothing!" Roman squeaked. Logan approached the strangely nervous trait.

"Let me see your hand," Logan said calmly as he took Romans hand from behind his back, gasping at the burnt flesh. "Roman, was this an accident?"

The silence told him everything.

"Okay, let's run this under cold water. Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep. Head to loud," he mumbled, unable to use any of his normal theatrics. They reached the kitchen sink and Logan turned on the cold water before holding Romans hand under it.

"Okay, would you like to watch Disney movies with me after we have held your hand under the water for five minutes?" Logan inquired as he inspected the rather painful burn.


Logan didn't say anything back, instead he just turned the tap off after five minutes and lead them both over to the couch where he put on some classic Disney movies. Roman found that his head had fallen silent, the ideas no longer running everywhere, and he managed to fall asleep half way through the second movie.

And if when he woke up he fund himself curled into Logan's side, Virgil's head on his lap and Patton hugging him then he wouldn't complain. Or wonder when the other two had joined them.

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