Makeup (No Paring)

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They always knew they where different from the others, the other sides seemed to fit into societies views n their bodies, but they didn't. The others all seemed fine with being addressed by 'he' and being called a 'boy' but it made them sick to their stomach. But 'she' and 'girl' didn't fit either, they where something else.

So they stayed up for days, researching and trying to figure out what they where, if they weren't male or female then what where they?

It was when Thomas met Joan that they figured it out. It such a simple discovery, yet it changed their life. Non-Binary. It was two simple words, joined with a hyphen, that turned their self-image upside down, they weren't abnormal. They weren't alone.

Actually expressing themselves in a way that made them feel comfortable started with some light makeup, a little foundation and some lipstick went along away after all. Yet when they started to experiment with more 'flashy' ways to apply what little products they had and heir wardrobe, and finally found a distinct look that made them a little more comfortable and a little less sick every time they where addressed, they where mocked and ridiculed.

They didn't see what was wrong with their outfit: a baggy hoodie to hide their unfortunately (almost) completely flat chest, some skinny jeans and eye shadow. Okay, so their eye shadow was always applied under their eyes instead of on their eyelids but that shouldn't matter.

It was when they where summoned for another video - the only time that they would spend with the others, and even then t was too long of being 'he' and a 'boy' - that the others 'jokes' finally made them angry enough to do something about it.

"You could do with a makeup class," Prince said, butting into a conversation that had nothing to do with their makeup, trying to seem as if it was nonchalantly directed towards none in particular. Which was stupid, because they where the only one that wore makeup.

"What does that have to do with the video?" They asked irritably. A long day of being (accidently) misgendered and insulted would do that to anyone.

"I'm sorry what?" Prince responded cluelessly, like the arrogant prick had no idea what they did wrong.

"Did I stutter? My makeup had nothing to do with the conversation that was happening," they said, their voice conveying both boredom and anger.

"Why are you getting so defensive?"

"Because I can, for once, feel comfortable like this and you insist on tearing me down about the way I express myself!" They yelled, all their pent up frustration and anger being let out.

"What do you mean by 'for once', kiddo?" Morality asked soothingly, and just having the dad figure address them by a gender-neutral term made them slightly calmer. It was better than 'son' after all. 

"I just.... ugh! I don't feel comfortable in my skin, and this... this helps. Even if only a little," they muttered, looking at the ground sheepishly.

"Anxiety, by briefly analysing the structure of your sentence I am a little confused. Do you mean you are not a boy or that you have some body image issues?" Logic asked carefully, trying not to accidently insult the other. He wasn't very good at wording things so it didn't upset people.

"'M not a boy," Anxiety mumbled quietly, feeling relief at finally telling someone... even if no one heard him.

"Girl or Non-Binary?" Thomas asked, as if trying not to pry yet digging deeper at the same time. His voice was soft, conveying that he would accept them no matter what.

"Non-Binary," they said a little louder. They fidgeted with the sleeve of their hoodie, a slight blush of embarrassment gracing their cheeks.

"Do you wish for us to address you by other pronouns?" Logic asked, once again his speech slower than usual due to him overthinking what he was saying.

"Uh.... they/them? Please?" They said, though it sounded more like a question.

Suddenly, Morality hugged them and declared a high-pitched, "I'm so proud of you, kiddo!"

The hug soon became a group hug between all the sides and Thomas, all of them trying to express how proud they where that Anxiety had enough courage to come out to them.

"I'm sorry for insulting your makeup," Prince said as he hugged Anxiety closer.

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