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Debates where not unusual between Anxiety and Logic after the two Sides became friends. They where usually harmless, about meaningless topics that never had any effect on either one of the Sides. But sometimes they turned into arguments, minutes (possibly hours) of screaming and harsh words that neither Side meant.

Those debates where the worst.

They ended with Logic locking himself away, checking the facts again and again in hopes that he could see where he went wrong. With hours of emotional research, trying to figure out what he did because he didn't understand and confusion was his worst enemy. They ended up with him retreating in on himself, never stopping until he figured out what he did wrong and how he could fix it, but the thought still lingered in the back of his mind about it being an emotional thing and something he should consult the others on because emotions weren't his forte. But he never consulted the others, he had to make things right himself because he caused the argument after all.

They ended with Anxiety shutting himself out and locking himself in his room so that he could be alone, like he deserved because he made Logic - his best friend - angry at him and disappointed in him. Hours, days, spent curled up sobbing and enduring attack after attack because Logic hated him and it was all his fault, he should've ended the argument sooner he shouldn't have said that. He should've stayed quiet, he shouldn't have annoyed him should've, should've, should've! He would spend those days writing his apology, rewriting it and then scraping it completely because it would never be good enough and it would never show Logan how sorry he was.

It was on those days that Patton would wait outside Logan's room, trying to get him to come outside and just talk about it. He would bring food to the logical Side and sigh in relief when he took it.

Roman spent these days trying to talk Virgil out of his attacks, trying to get him to talk. He bought up food and spent hours trying to coax him to eat it, he never succeeded.

Eventually they had enough. Anxiety had had too many attacks and went too long without eating anything and Logic had been pacing relentlessly and using words incorrectly for far too long. They worried and they asked Thomas for help.

Thomas always accepted, he always knew that it would take a dew days for him to be informed of the situation - despite knowing about it as soon as it happened, but h could never do anything to help but try to keep himself healthy. He spent these days silently worrying and hoping for a sign that the two where okay. 

When Roman and Patton finally came and requested his help he would immediately summon the two traits. Anxiety would be curled up in a ball, his arms hugging his knees, as he rocked back and forwards if it was a good day... Thomas didn't like thinking about what the anxious Side was like on a bad day.  Logic would stop his pacing, stop his frantic muttering, at the sight of his friend.

He would calm Virgil's attack, walking him through breathing exercises and tell him that everything would be okay as the other would cling onto the dark shirt and let apologies fall from his lips.

They would talk, figure out what had upset the other. They would apologise and make up, and it was like nothing every changed. They would avoid doing whatever had caused the argument again, but it was impossible to stop them all.

Those days where the worst, but they always ended with them having a better understanding of each other.


 i don't know if this is what you wanted oliolioxenfree01 but I tried so I hope you still like it!

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