beach day (Poly)

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The sides had decided to take a trip to the beach. Patton had a bucket and spade to build sand-castles with, Roman had his sword to fight of sea monsters, Logan had a book and Virgils camera hung around his neck with a scowl on his face at being forced on this outing. He stoped every few seconds to take a picture before running to catch up with the others or wait for them to catch up to him.

The sunset provided perfect lighting for Virgil to snap a few - hundred - photos of his boyfriends at the beach. The sea softened the background and made the figures in it really pop, making his boyfriends even more beautiful than usual.

"Hey, Virge, hurry up!" Roman yelled from where he was standing in the water - trousers rolled up to his knees so that they wouldn't get wet. Virgil took a photo the document the moment.

"Yeah, yeah, coming," Virgil shouted back before taking a quick photo of Patton building a sand-castle. His tounge stuck out if his mouth in concentration and his eyebrows furrowed together. It was adorable.

Virgil quickly ran to his over-dramatic boyfriend before he could throw a fit, taking pictures of Logan - who was reading a book, the lighting casting a shadow across half his face - from his position just outside the water, he had refused to go in yet compromised on at least staying close to Roman.

Logan turned a page in his book, Patton pulled the bucket of the castle he had built, Roman fell on the ocean and got bitten by a crab. And Virgil captured everyone of these moments, even if it was only to laugh at Roman later.

"Hey! Virge, Lo, Ro, can you come help with my sand-kingdom please?" Patron said, gesturing wildly and flicking sand all over the place. No one replied verbally but they all started walking towards the  bubbly side, unable to say no to such a lovable person.

Virgil anxiously fiddled with his hoodie as he waited to be told what to do whist Roman and Logan decorated the existing sand buildings with shells and seaweed.

"You can dig the moat; it had to be really deep!" Patton yelled before handing him the spade. Be carefully set his camera down before digging as instructed, occasionally taking a break in-order to get a picture of the others.

Soon the kingdom was finished, and the moat deep enough to protect it, and Virgil took a picture of the others staring at their work proudly. It was beautiful, so they had reason to be proud.

"So, what did you take picture of all day, Virge?" Patron asked, trying to grab the camera from around Virgils neck, as they walked back to where Thomas was meeting them.

"N-nothing," he stuttered out, not wanting the others to know that he spent the while time taking photos of them.

"Well, you must show us when we get home darling," Prince said with a blinding smile.

"I am sure what ever photos you took are of excellent quality, Virgil," Logan said as he adjusted his glasses.

-- time skip they are now home --

"Why did you take photos anyway?" Roman asked as they all sat in the living room, waiting for Virgil to show them the pictures.

"Well, uh, it was my first time at a beach and I wanted to, uh, document the experience," he anxiously said in one breath. His face was burried into his hoodie in embarasment.

The others where in shock Virgil had never been go the beach before? at his reason to take so many photographs, although it was an adorable reason.

"May we see them?" Logan asked, just as Virgil turned on his camera and let them see the first picture.

It took them half an hour to get through all of the pictures and hardley a word was uttered until they had seen them all.

"All of these pictures are of us," Patton said as he engulfed the anxious trait in a warm hug. It was nice, the sudden physical contact not suffocating at all.

"I was gonna take pictures of the beach but it wasn't the prettiest thing there," he mumbled quietly, although everyone heard him. Blush decorated each of their faces, and a dorky smile lit up their eyes.

"Awww, that's so cute!" Patton squealed as he pulled the other two into the hug.

"'M not cute, I'm dark and angsty!"

"Dint try and deny it, the facts all say that you are incredibly cute."

"And I thought you lived me Logan, but you betrayed me for this... traitor! At least I still have Roman."

"....  About that.."

Virgil screamed in frustration.

parents and siblings are swimming rn and I'm just sitting in the Common Area stealing the internet bc I'm a  n e r d

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