Purple Blankets

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It wasn't exactly a bad day, but it wasn't a good one. t was one of those days that where just unbearably grey, the sort of days where you didn't want to leave bed and the walls seemed a little bit closer and a little bit darker yet it wasn't sadness that caused them. It was one of those days where you where completely numb to the rest of the world, uncaring about anything to the point that it should've concerned you but it didn't because being concerned bout anything took far too much energy that you don't have to spare.

So, it was on one of these days when the others found Anxiety curled up on the floor of the Common Area with a purple blanket protecting him from reality. They could see the blanket shake slightly from tears they knew Virgil was unable to cry, and started preparing for the worst. There was only two ways these grey days could end, with the stormy blackness overtaking his mind or a pure white cleansing his thoughts. Unfortunately the pure white never came.

"Hey, kiddo, do you wanna move to the couch?" Patton asked as Logan started to make soup - one of the few things he could actually cook - and Roman left to get Disney movies and blankets.

Virgil nodded his head before pulling his blanket closer and standing up. His legs shook as he walked, but he made it to the couch without much help from Patton, and sunk into the blankets that Roman had placed there, Patton sitting beside him. Logan returned with bowls of tomato soup - or Tigger Soup as Virgil had named it - on a tray just as Roman managed to set the movie up.

The Black Cauldron started playing, and Virgil felt a little better knowing that they had remembered his favourite Disney movie. He snuggled further into his blanket and ate the soup Logan had handed him as they watched Disney movie after Disney movie.

Eventually he fell asleep, leaning on Roman; and whilst his day was still grey he knew that it wouldn't be suffocatingly black tomorrow.


I know its short but I wrote it in like 20 minutes so shhh,


((ALSO HI, I CHANGED MY NAME FOR THE ONE NONE OF YALL KNEW TO Roman,,, please call me that now???))

QOTD (no im not gonna start this unless yall want it,,, but you can ask me a qotd!):


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