Ballet with Swords

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This was the first capture the flag that Virgil had played, so he was nervous - and for a good reason too, campers tended to be injured after playing capture the flag... and he's pretty sure someone died once. But he tried to calm down, the others weren't worried at the children of Apollo where exceptional healers so he wouldn't die... probably.

"Hey don't worry, you'll be fine!" Patton said as he signed something that I assumed was 'in a minute' to his fellow children of Apollo.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," he repeated, though he didn't sound to sure of that, before turning to his friend "Are you playing this week or?"

"Nope, I am on Med Wing duty this week. But I'll give moral support and pray to the gods that you win," Patton replied as he pulled Virgil in for a quick hug before jogging after his siblings, who where half way back to the med bay.

"The Hades Cabin is joining us today, and they shall be grouped with Athena, Hermes and Iris. You are the red team. Dionysus, Ares and Demeter you are the blue team. Hide your flags and good luck," Chiron said before handing each team their flag and leaving the forest to supervise the overall 'battle field'.

Virgil, Logan and the others all went into the left side of the forest and walked for a good five minutes before stopping to discus strategy.

"I am not letting Roman beat us so Virgil you take the flag and shadow travel whenever you see someone from the opposing team approach where you are hiding. Leon, Lucy and Rich you shall divert their attention, pretend to guard the 'flag' in the opposite direction to where Virgil actually is. James, Joan, Jason, you go look for the other teams flag. Understood?" Logan quickly instructed before giving their flag to Virgil - who shoved it into his hoodie before giving a two fingered salute and prepared to shadow travel away from the other campers.

"What will you be doing?" Someone asked someone else, though Virgil assumed the where asking Logan as everyone else had a clear job.

"I shall distract Roman," Logan replied, with a faint almost inaudible mumble of, "and hopefully fight the arrogant idiot."

"Oh! Because he is the best fighter on the blue team?"

"Uh... yeah, sure. We'll go with that," Logan responded before turning on his heal only to turn back around, "where are you going, Virgil?"

Virgil closed his eyes and spun around before stopping and pointing somewhere, "Whelp, I guess I'm going that way," he said before disappearing in a dramatic flurry if shadows. Logan hated to think about how much more dramatic Roman would be if he where to have the ability to manipulate shadows; it was a truly horrifying thought.

"Ooookay, you guys can go that way," Logan said, pointing in the opposite direction to where Virgil had (supposedly) disappeared off to.

After the others had left, Logan went in search of Roman. The man with bright purple hair was not hard to spot amongst the green trees and bushes.

"Roman of Dionysus, I challenge you to a duel," He announced loudly, unsheathing his celestial bronze sword with s slightly-dramatic flourish.

"Logan of Athena, I accept your challenge," Roman responded, unsheathing his own sword with a way too dramatic swing.

Behind them, sitting in the trees, Virgil let out a silent laugh at their antics.

"We shall battle until the end of this game or until someone is disarmed, no physical harm is to come of anyone," Roman said, his voice somehow even more dramatic than his actions. Logan sighed slightly, annoyed by the theatrics, but Virgil continued to laugh at the both of them.

"Of course, shall we begin?"

"Yes," Roman said before lunging at the child of Athena, who blocked the attack before sending one of his own. Virgil stared in amazement as they moved like flowing water, a perfect dance that both knew by heart. Every time one would strike the other would block and it astounded Virgil how in sync the two where, how their footwork was immaculate and constantly shifting with each move and how they always knew when to draw back so that the other wouldn't get hurt.

He wished he would be so in sync with somebody one day, so knowledgeable of another that they where almost one.

But he shoved that thought away as he continued to watch their graceful and calculated movements, listen to the way the metal shrieked when hit with the others blade and frown in worry when one of them was close to being injured. It was almost like a ballet performance, with the amount of work that went into every movement, no matter how slight, despite the 'dancers' making it look effortless.

Ballet with swords.... honestly, Virgil would watch it.

Unfortunately a loud sound, resembling someone blowing a horn, echoed through the forest and signalled the end of Capture the Flag. Both fighters both put their swords back before shooting each other a smile.

"I wonder who won," Roman said with a slight smirk as the two of them started walking to the edge of the forest where Chiron would reveal the winner to everyone. Virgil was to lazy to walk and so he just shadow travelled their, standing in the shade from the tree as he saw Joan holding the other teams flag.

"As you can see, the red team has captured the blue teams flag. Can whoever has the red teams flag please return it?" Chiron said, ignoring the dramatic cry of shock after hearing that he lost.

Virgil quickly shadow travelled up to the centaur before retreating back into the trees, the other campers had started to leave the forest after hearing who had one and so it was only Roman, Logan and Virgil that remained.

"I told you I would beat you at capture the flag," Logan boasted, a replica of Romans previous smirk on his face. Roman just screamed in frustration, and Virgil thought that the game could've gone better.

..... But at least he hadn't died.

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