Angst Drabbles (( 'bout Roman))

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--- Everything ---

Roman hated Virgil Sanders.... no he despised him.

The way he hunched into himself when he laughed made Romans skin crawl, the way he tapped his fingers together anxiously made his stomach feel weird. He hated his beautiful eyes that shined more than the sun and he hated the barely visible freckles that painted galaxies on his skin, hidden by layers of foundation.

(He hated that he could never really hate him at all.)

Roman loathed Virgil Sanders because the darker Side was so much better than him.

Virgil was perfect. His eyes, his hair, the worlds across his skin. The darker Side was beautiful, both physically and personality wise: despite being the embodiment of Thomas' negativity he was the most positive person you could meet... apart from Morality. Prince - Roman, he wasn't a prince, he had never been a prince - was jealous.. or rather he was envious, he wanted nothing more than to do something without screwing up. He wanted that unnatural grace and the air of confidence that Virgil had, he wanted to be able to look at himself and like what he saw like Virgil did.

He wanted Virgil to like him, because Virgil was everything to him yet he was nothing to Virgil.

--- Bruised Ego ---

His room wasn't grand or flashy, it wasn't coated in Disney posters or draped in silk. It was bland, boring and unremarkable; just like him.

He bit back his laughter at the thought, but in his slip of concentration a sob managed to tear itself from his throat. His head buried itself deeper into his legs in response, his hands shook as he pulled his limps closer to him. Everything was loud yet quiet, a familiar loneliness shrouded the room and hid the man that was curled into himself in the invisible shadows.

Until a door opened, and someone almost stepped inside. But they didn't stay, they never stayed - "Are you here to yell at me too? It's okay, I deserve it." - and soon he was alone again. The invisible shadows clawed at his skin, digging self deprecating words into his skin and mentally tearing him apart; it was torture, but Roman was used to it.

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