Gone (Poly)

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It started off small; Logans puzzle book and Romans fairy tales. But soon it grew into a strange habit, not quite an obsession yet nearly there.

Patton's cardigans started disappearing, Romans sashes and Logans ties soon followed. The others where baffled, why was there stuff disappearing, before they noticed something. Virgils things never went missing, which they where happy about because their date-mate was extremely attached to all of their thing, so they must be the one taking everything, right?

It was the only logical conclusion, but they needed to know why.

That is why they where waiting in the Common area for their date-mate to leave their room, and eventually they did. At  2pm.

"Virgil, we need to ask you something," Logic said after it became apparent that the other two (traitors) weren't going to speak.

"Yes?" Virgil asked anxiously, they weren't expecting a confrontation as soon as they walked into the Common Area. This social interaction is not going the way I planned it in the shower, they thought as he waited for someone to say something.

"This had been plaguing our minds for quite sometime," Logic stared slowly, as if afraid he would upset the younger Side by bringing up the topic.

Oh god... are they breaking up with me?

"What Logan is trying to say is that we have been meaning to talk to you but we didn't know how..." Morality said, trying to make the situation better. It didn't work, but Anxiety appreciated the effort.

They're definitely breaking up with me.

"Are you the one that's stealing our stuff?" Prince blurted out suddenly, shocking everyone.

Virgil stared at them all dumbfounded before they managed to utter a small "what?"

"Are you-"

"No, I get what you said, the answer is yes by the way, but did Lo and Mo have to make it sound so dramatic? I  was worried it would be something else!"

"What did you think we where trying to ask?" Patton said as he went to pull his date-mate into a hug, which they gratefully accepted.

"I though you where gonna break up with me or somethin'" Virgil sighed as he leaned further into their boyfriends arms.

"What? No, Virgil, it is highly improbable that any of use would terminate our relationship, we all love each other, and yes that means we love you, too much for that," Logic said as he took one of Anxiety's hands into his own. Prince took their other hand and gently kissed their knuckles.

"We should watch a movie, preferably something Disney but you can choose," Prince said with his usual blinding smile on his stupidly perfect face. His attempt at lightening the mood worked and Patton beamed at him.

"Disney sounds great, just let me change from these pyjamas that I've wore for like three days," Anxiety said before disappearing back into their room.

"Well, let's set up the movie!" Prince said as he enthusiastically bounced on the balls of his feet.

(When Virgil returned dressed in Romans pastel pink hoodie and Logan's dog-print socks no one said anything.)



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