Bad Guy (Part 3)

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Same  Triggers as the Last Two Chapters!!


His anger had faded, burnt out, which was why he didn't react to Patton stepping up to Anxiety's door with him. He knew that the father figure had never did  anything to purposely hurt anyone, and that he wouldn't do so to the Side that he considered his son.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," He muttered as he knocked on Anxiety's door, the sound of his knuckles hitting wood echoed around the silent corridor. There was no reply.

"It's fine, you are just worried about Anxiety. So am I," Patton replied as they both ventured into the dark room. The spider curtains, Thomas noticed, had been removed.

In the very back of the room, curled into the corner, sat Anxiety. The Side was muttering to himself, saying things that broke both of their hearts.

"Anx? Kiddo, talk to me please," Patton said softly as he held back tears. The usual baggy hoodie that the Side usually wore had been flung to the other side of the room - presumably in a fit of rage - exposing his scarred arms. When Thomas had said the young trait, his son, had been self harming he never expected it to be that bad.

He pushed that to the back of his mind, he couldn't afford to be distracted. His son needed him, he had needed him for a very long time and Patton was finally going to be there for him.

Thomas walked up to Anxiety, making sure that he wasn't having another attack, before beckoning Patton over to them. Anxiety tried to smile at his father figure and Patton smiled back, they where both sad sorts of smiles but that didn't matter to them.

"I'll leave you two alone, I have to talk with the others," Thomas said as he got back up. The smile Anxiety had shot Patton proved that the fatherly Side hadn't done anything to harm the anxious man. The others however had done far to much to his friend.

Patton nodded and Anxiety smiled gratefully. Thomas knew that the trait was overwhelmed by the amount of people - two was far to many sometimes - and he knew that he would open up more to Patton, to his dad, than he would to him.

"Anxiety, kiddo, when did this start?" Patton asked, nodding at his exposed arms. Anxiety crossed his arms self consciously, trying to hide as much of the damage as possible.

"A few years back," he mumbled back as he leaned into Patton's embrace, resting his head on his fathers shoulder.

"Was this our fault?" Patton asked desperately, he needed to know if he had hurt his son.

"Not yours dad, it's my fault for killing him," he said with a so, "but the others word didn't help."

"You didn't kill him! He was already fading, it isn't your fault that you exist and... I'm glad you do. I love you, kiddo," Patton said as tears fell from his eyes.

"But... if I didn't exist he would still be here and Thomas would be happier and I wouldn't mess everything up," he murmured and Patton was ready to call Thomas back.

"Why wont you believe me?" Patton asked instead.

"I've had people saying otherwise for years, why would I believe you now?" Anxiety questioned, and it made a lot f sense. He wouldn't be able to make Anxiety believe otherwise because he never made him believe it in the first place.

"Lets get you something to eat, kiddo," Patton said as he tried to figure out a way to help Anxiety.


"What the... the fuck... did you say to him?" Thomas yelled as he returned to the real world. Prince and Logic both looked regretful, their usual arrogant auras weren't present and they seemed much less out-there than normal. Thomas was glad that they at least recognised the fact that they had done something wrong.

It looked like Prince was about to say something but Thomas interrupted before he could.

"Never mind that, I can find out later, Patton is with Anxiety and he isn't looking too good. I ant you both to go and apologize to him because if I know Anxiety, and I clearly know him more than both of you combined, then I know that he will not stop blaming himself until you guys confirm that he was not the cause of his brothers death. Do you understand?"

Prince and Logic merely nodded, feeling worse as Thomas' speech went on, before the three of them joined Anxiety and Patton in the mindscape.


They found them in the kitchen, Patton trying desperately to get Anxiety to eat an apple. He eventually succeeded and Anxiety took a bite, looking like eating it physically pained him. The Side winced as he swallowed the food, and squeezed his eyes shut as he reluctantly took another bite.

Thomas glared at the two Sides that stood awkwardly before walking over to Anxiety and Patton. Prince and Logan where horrified at the sight of his arms, at what they drove Anxiety to do.

"Thomas, sure Anxiety hasn't ruined your life by existing," he blurted out. Everyone stared at the anxious man in shock, wondering hoe he could think such a thing about himself.

"What? Of course not, you protect me and make us all better," Thomas answered, quickly getting over his shock.

"You work with us all as a team and you amplify the positive feelings that we may give him with slight nervousness before them," Prince said as he tried to reassure the other.

"And it isn't your fault. You didn't kill him, it was just his time," Logic said, a hint of raw emotion in his voice.

The positive words made Anxiety smile a little, and when the just kept coming he started bawling. The others froze at this reaction, they expected him to hug them or smile at them or anything but what he was doing. They never expected their words to make him cry.

"Thank you, thank you thank you," Anxiety babbled senselessly as he wiped tears from his face.

"Its nothing. But promise us... promise me one thing," Thomas said as he embraced the crying Side. Anxiety hummed in acknowledge meant. "Come to me when you want to hurt yourself, please."

"I am more than happy to listen to you, and I know the others are as well, if you do not wish to talk to Thomas" Logic said after noticing that Anxiety had frozen at the request.

"I.... I'll try," He mumbled into Thomas' neck.

"And that's all we can ask of you kiddo."




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