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Names where a tricky thing, because they could mean so much yet nothing at all. Someone plucked a name from their mind when you where born and you're stuck with it, and whilst sometimes that's fine and you liked your name, this wasn't one of those times.

Anxiety hated his name because it wasn't a boys name. Katherine.

It wasn't a bad name, but it wasn't him. Katherine was some girl with pretty hair and perfect make up; and whilst Anxiety did have nice hair and pretty make up he wasn't a pretty girl. He was pretty - he knew that, the others where pretty and they where the same person so logically he had to be pretty - but he wasn't a girl. He hadn't been a girl in a long time, if he had ever been one at all. He hadn't considered himself a girl since he was nine, when he tried to cut his dresses up with children's scissors, or when he shaved his head at eleven after wishing it was gone for years and hiding it in a hat. He hadn't considered himself a girl when he broke down crying after telling the others that he wasn't a girl, that he was a boy.

And maybe this was because he had been a boy all along, or maybe at some point in his life he had felt like a girl, but he didn't know; and that was okay, he didn't have to know everything after all. But even after admitting that he was a boy, after starting to bind his chest and hide himself in oversized hoodies, something still felt wrong. It made him fell ill when there was nothing but the thought of telling the others his name on his mind; the others had done it so why couldn't he?

And that's when he realized what made his stomach drop and his heart ache. His name; Anxiety hated his name because it wasn't a boys name. Katherine.

But he would have to tell them eventually, so he stared browsing websites full of baby names and reflecting on people him and the other sides admired as children and even in the present day. His list grew and grew before shrinking and shrinking as he struck each name from the list. They just didn't feel right; nothing felt right.

"My name is Virgil," he blurted out, and maybe it was a little weird and it didn't follow a pattern like the others. But he didn't follow a pattern like the others, and the name - his name, Virgil - felt right.

Names where a tricky thing, because they could mean so much yet nothing at all. Someone plucked a name from their mind when you where born and you're stuck with it , and whilst sometimes that's fine and you liked your name, this was one of those times.

Anxiety loved his name because it was a boys name. Virgil.


Dysphoria is a bitch rn so have some Trans!Virgil!!

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