When He Sees Me (pre-logicality??)

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"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Virgil said from his position sprawled across Logics bed. The statement surprised Logan, Anxiety would never just tell Prince how he felt so why should Logic tell Mo-

"I stick with real things, Anx, usually facts and figures. When information's in it's place I minimise the guessing games and guess what?" Logic retaliated whilst pacing across the length his floor.

"What?" Virgil asked, trying to keep his tone positive for his already anxious friend.

"I don't like guessing games! Or when I fell things that I'm not used to feeling, because then I don't know hoe to act or how someone else will react," Logan started rambling and adjusting his glasses nervously.

"He likes you back, Lo, it's so obvious," Virgil tried to reassure him, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"But, what if when he sees me he doesn't? What if..." Millions of scenarios and possible outcomes flew through his head, and Logic briefly wondered if that was how Anxiety felt all the time before that thought was nocked away by a hundred more 'what ifs'.

"Lo, I'm sure he already loves you. And if I'm wrong and he doesn't then he doesn't deserve you," Vigil said as he gently stopped the other mans pacing before pulling him into a hug. Logan didn't hug back, although Virgil didn't expect him to, but he leaned into the kind embrace and let out a sigh.

"Yeah, okay you're right," Logan murmured into Virgil's shoulder.

"I always am," Anxiety said with a brief laugh before breaking their embrace; he had reached his limit of physical contact for the month.

"And hey, Lo," Virgil said after a pause in the flow of conversation.


"If neither of us work up the courage to ask them out in the next five years, I'll marry you."


First few lines of dialogue are from the song 'When He Sees Me' from the musical Waitress.

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