Protection (Prinxiety)

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panic tw, panic attack tw

He was scared, panic engulfed him tearing at his heart and making it hard to breath. His chest hurt, lungs burned and head spun due to lack of oxygen. Everything was so loud, too much noise surrounded him, suffocating him.

There was no light, he could see nothing but vauge blurry outlines of furniture and... a person standing at the door.

His breathing became much more ragged, no one could be in his room. Hadn't they learned anything?

Fear blinded him as the figure approached, revealing a faint red and caring eyes. No no no, he couldn't be here. Hadn't he learnt anything? I'm not worth this, oh god oh god.

Prince slowly approached him, although he stayed far enough away that he wouldn't feel trapped. He was grateful, he didn't know if he could handle physical contact whilst in the state he was in.

The walls where too close, the floor too close, the roof too close, but Prince wasn't close enough. He wanted to press himself against him, hug him tightly and never let go. Yet he wanted Prince to be as far away as possible, he wanted to run from him and never touch him again. He was conflicted, his mind at war with itself. Eventually there was a winner, and he quickly pulled Prince against him before burying his head in his chest.

"Virgil, darling, what plauges your mind?" He asked, his voice grand and loud yet quiet and soft. A contradiction that felt incredibly safe. Yet his mouth would not move, his vocal cords would not allow speech, so he shook his head in response and hoped that Roman would understand him.

"Okay, but can you breath for me darling?" He asked and Virgil hesitated before nodding. He could breath for Roman, he could do anything for Roman.

"In for four," He said slowly, doing the breathing exersice with his panicking boyfriend.

"Hold for seven," he said before holding his breath with Virgil.

"Out for eight." He let out his breath, slightly over dramatically.

"Now continue breathing for me, you're doing so good darling," Roman said gently as he placed Virgils head on his heart.

"T-thanks Roman," Virgil stuttered out after his breathing had returned to normal and the fire in his lungs had been put out.

"It is fine my love, now what ever troubled you?" He asked gently, running his hands through Virgils slightly tangled hair. The pressure continued to ground him, even after his attack.

"It was nothing, just a nightmare," Virgil mumbled, pressing his face deeper into Romans neck.

"I shall destroy these creatures that haunt you if you desire," Roman said and Virgil knew he was serious. He let out a little laugh at that, imagining his boyfriend chasing imaginary creatures just to protect him.

"Sure you will, my Prince," Virgil mumbled softly, a blush turning his cheeks and ears a faint red. Roman could always get the dark trait to blush, something with the creative trait was very proud of.

"I will because I love you Virgil," Roman said gently, his use of Virgils name letting him know that he ment it.

"I love you too, doofus," Virgil said, leaning into Romans warm embrace and closing his eyes. He was exhausted, and the thump thump thump of Romans heart lulled him into a soft slumber.

"Goodnight my love," Prince whispered before picking Virgil up and placing him on the bed. He left the room after making sure that the anxious trait would not have any more night terrors.

"Sweet dreams," He said as he closed the door. The faint dusting of eye shadow that had coated the underside of his eyes disappeared as he stepped into the hallway.

Roman waited outside Virgils room, silently protecting him all night.

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