I had no internet so a collection of smol shorts

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Virgil liked alot of things. He liked black, grey, really dark blue, and dark brow. He also liked hoodies that fit just right, slightly too big T-shirts and baggy sweaters.

He was, coincidently, wearing a baggy sweater when he walked into the kitchen only to hear Roman talking shit. That upset him slightly as he hated it when anyone other than himself talked shit; however he tried to ignore all the shit falling from the others mouth. Until he couldn't.

Virgil marched towards the other man, pushing past Logan and Patton - who where having a lovely debate about how many dogs was 'too many' - and pulled his hands into his sweater, so that he could flap the sleeves with ease .

And then he slapped him. In the face.

"What was that for?" Prince cried in shock, hand flying up to his face.

"Flippity flop you need to stop."

"Stop what?" Roman said as he was slapped by the pastel pink sleeve again.

"Whippity whap don't talk crap."




"Talk shit get hit, Princey."

"Okay okay, yeesh."

"Thank you."


"Have you seen Logan?" Roman said as he walked into the Common Room.

"Why?" Virgil responded, only half  aware of what was truly going on.

"He stole my book of fairy tales."

"Kill him."

Roman didn't respond, instead walking out if the Common Room only part of his was upset that Virgil hadn't answered his question; the other half wondered why he wanted Logan dead.

It was probably nothing, and so with that thought in mind he went to go ask Patton.


"What's for dinner?" Logan asked Virgil - they where the only two in the Common Area after all.


"You know what... I'm not going to question you anymore." Logan said, mentally adding another tally onto the 'how many times Anxiety has confused me' list. It was quiet a long list now, not that the logical Side would ever admit that.

---dark humour---

"Hey Thomas," Anxiety said as soon as he landed on his stairs after being summoned.

"Yo," was the mummbled reply. Which didn't appeal to Virgil, he needed constant validation after all and 'yo' was not validation.

"Why can't a t-rex clap?" He asked in hopes to gain the hosts attention.

"I don't know Virgl." It worked.

"Because it's dead."

"... I have no idea how to respond. Congratulations."

"How to you make a plumber sad?"

"I have no idea."

"You kill his family."

"Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. But I have one more, wanna hear it?" Virgil asked like he was actually giving Thomas a choice; he wasn't.

"Sure," Thomas sighed as he tried really hard to focus on his work.

"Why did Sally fall of the swing?"

"Dunno, why did Sally fall of the swing?"

"Because she had no arms!"


"Knock Knock."

"Who's there?"

"Not Sally."
Thomas gave up on his work, close his laptop and pretended that he didn't let out a small laugh at the last joke.

"Thanks," he muttered when he realised why Anx was telling him jokes - in his own twisted way anyway.

"No problems. We can't have you be a waking ball of stress now, can we?"


I have had no internet so I'm stuck on my phone rn and I can't wrote long things on my phone so here you are a collection of short 'drabbles' (?)

Also Prinxiety or Moxiety next chapter?


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