1 | Phoenix Drop High

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You heard your mom yell from downstairs.

Of course you'd been excited to start your first day of high school. Hell, last night you were rambling on about it. But this morning you found yourself curled up in a ball, in a corner trying to rock yourself back to sleep. And no. You didn't fall back asleep. Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

"Y/N... I know you. I know what you're doing, and if you don't open this door I'm coming in" You heard Garroth's voice coming from the other side of the door, he must of heard your heavy breathing.

"Y/N's dead! I'm her potato ghost" You stupidly yelled the first thing that came to mind.

Garroth rolled his eyes and came in anyway. He was already dressed in his uniform.

Garroth walked over to you and sat down next to you. " What are you worried about?" He gave you concerned look.

"What if I open my big mouth and say something wrong? What if I make no friends? WHAT IF NO ONE ENDS UP LIKING ME AND I HAVE TO SIT ALONE NEXT TO THE TRASH CAN!"

"Y/N, you're getting way to ahead of yourself, people are going to love you, your related to me" Garroth joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Even though we've been shown around the school so many times. I still blank when I step on the grounds..." You admitted.

"I'll show you around when we get there. My little sister isn't going to get lost on my watch" Garroth smiled.

You smiled, your nerves had calmed right down. Garroth was right, there's nothing to worry about.

"You're the best big brother I know." You laughed.

You walked downstairs to see your mom jumping and screaming like a little school girl, while Zane stood there very unenthused.

"Aw Zuzu, you look so cute in your uniform" Zianna squealed.

"Shut up mom, you're being weird" Zane retorted to her. She then turned her attention to me. "And here comes the other one" She said in absolute awe.

She walked over to you and brought you into a bear hug. "You kids grow up so fast. First it was Garroth, now you and Zane and soon it will be Vylad." She started "I'm super proud of you two"

"Thanks mom" You smiled

Yes it was true Zane is also starting high school. You two are Irish twins.

Zane was born really early in the year and you were born later in the year

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Zane was born really early in the year and you were born later in the year. So yes he is older.


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